33: Hoping for a good day

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"You know what, When you frown I can't even concentrate on anything. So please don't stay mad at me. Ok??" Tae smiled lightly as he winked at Jungkook, when he felt the younger was alot more easer than before.

"Eww, That was soo cheesy" Jungkook retracted his hand with giggles as he hit Tae lightly on arm. "But still you know, I will consider this as an apology" Jungkook said as a gleaming grin covering his face.

"Jeez, I have missed this giggles. This is what I wanted to see. Now can we move??" Tae quirked up one of his brow with a chuckle as he pointed to a traffic police who was coming towards them.

Watching the officer rushing towards them made Jungkook's eyes widen double the size "Why are you even asking me, just take it, hurry!!!" Jungkook said in panicked voice as he didn't want to start the date with complications.

Tae plugged in the key to turn on engine again, putting music on low volume as he laughed cheekly at the cuteness of Jungkook. Those big doe eyes will always be his weakness. "Btw why were you mad at me??"

"Ah nothing, In my dream you weren't interested in taking me out" Jungkook chuckled at how childish it sounds. But still it's not completely wrong too, that was what eating his mind out lately. Some thing quick flickered over Tae's orbs. But Jungkook himself considered him as a big over imagining ball. So he let that go without much thought decided to be happy at the moment.

As the car move forward Jungkook eyed Tae as he was battling about something in his mind. After some thoughts he decided to let it out "Hyung, Since you took early leave from the station today, Jimin hyung might ask you about this, Won't he??" His bambi eyes looked curiously at Tae.

"Uh... Not exactly. Cause he wouldn't know that. He took long leave for 3 weeks yesterday just to go on a trip with his wife. You won't believe, after his marriage he is completely whipped for her" Tae chuckled as he side glanced at Jungkook.

"What do you mean? They can give you guys 3 weeks leave??! It's soo long, Unbelievable" Jungkook asked in awe.

"Who told you they GIVE a long leave?? We just TOOK it and arrange juniors to call if anything happen and for the signs, we do arrangements for that " Tae casually shrugged it as if it's nothing big deal.

"But by the time you reach there, they will find your absence for atleast that day, right??" Jungkook tilted his head raising his brows to the temple, being immersed in questions.

"We will take out ultimate card then, family emergency. Normally they would give in that. These are perks of govt officers , baby" Tae said proudly bringing a smirk on that lips

"Yeah, if we rephrase it, showing off
being in a corrupted system" Jungkook silently snickered at Tae

"Bunny, consider yourself lucky. Because if you want I can take leave for you too. You should be proud of having such a nice boy friend who can give good offerings" Tae beamed as he geared the car

" Pfft, That was even more cheesy!!" Jungkook chuckled exhaling softly feeling fool for having weird thoughts about Tae at first. From there their car ride filled with giggles and snickerings as if they weren't the one who had the tension around them

Finally the long road taken them to a familier place. As Jungkook and Tae get down from the car a gentle sea breeze welcomed them. It was the same beach where Tae confessed his love to Jungkook, where they shared their first kiss. But unlike that day, it was bit crowded with kids and family. However not too crowded either, it was just Perfect for them to spend a good day

Both of them walked in beach as their feet sank in to the pool of soil. Small waves were crashing on their feet giving a special feeling of chasing game with nature that would only get there. As the wind brushed against Jungkook's skin, he glanced at Tae whose locks were flying in different directions. "Is this where we gonna spend our day? " Jungkook asked curiously as the nostalgic sea smell was bringing a wide smile on his face.

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