17. About ideas and impressions

Start from the beginning

With this new thought in mind, I left the broom I was cleaning the mess hall floor with away. There were breadcrumbs and fish bones... We hadn't eaten fish again since two days ago. Did no one clean around here? I sighed and picked up the mop, trying to calm my still frenetic heart.

"Oh, _____, how are you doing? Do you know what's for dinner?" Chum entered the mess hall, licking his lips. I looked at him and tried to remember.

"It's not my cooking turn today, but I reckon Killer wanted to cook soup". I dipped the mop in a bucket full of water. "If you're going to stay, don't step on the wet parts". I started to scrub from the end of the room to the door.

"Oh, Killer's delicious soup...". He daydreamed while he headed to grab a snack. "I would stay and keep making a mess for you to clean and keep you company, but my pulse has suddenly gotten higher, I think I should check it out..." He grabbed a tangerine. "See ya".

I said goodbye with a simple nod of the head, fearing his threat to making the room dirtier would be real. That had probably been a cheap excuse, but better for me; I preferred to think in solitude.

At dinner time, I was surprised to see Killer eating with us, but not Kid; they would always come together. The captain ate in his workshop? Killer would, too. The captain went to eat in the mess hall? Killer did, too.

"Kid's not coming?" I asked the blond, trying too hard to not sound interested.

"He said he's not feeling well". Despite my efforts on trying to sound uninterested, I turned my head to look at him upon hearing that. "I'll bring him the food to the workshop". And he added, mockingly. "Unless you want to bring it to him".

"Are you implying something?" I confronted him.

"Why should I be implying something?" He replied, always a step in front of me. I rolled my eyes and looked at the tray with the foo Killer had prepared for the captain.

"Oh, this is the tray that-". I remembered I still hadn't discovered who brought me the food that day. "Killer, do you know who left a tray of food next to my door?" I asked him, hoping he would remember.

"Yes". He started to stir the contents of a pot. I swear, one day I'll kill him.

"And... Would you be so kind to tell me who was it?"

"I'll tell you if you bring the tray to Kid's workshop, I'm busy". He bribed me. Sure, stirring the soup of a pot that wasn't even on the fire was being busy. And I'm the liar.

"Alright". I picked up the tray and I looked at him, waiting for him to answer me before I exited the kitchen. I wanted my payment in advance.

"It was Kid". He picked up the pot with both hands (we was wearing kitchen gloves) and brought it to the mess hall.

I nodded slowly while I formed a straight line with my lips. It was true; curiosity did kill the cat. I decided to hurry up and bring the captain his food.

When I was in front of the workshop, I laid the tray on my knee, standing on one leg to be able to knock on the door. Knock, knock, knock.

"Who the fuck is it?!" A scream came from inside the room. I almost throw the tray due to the shock, although I should have come prepared for this possibility. Kid screamed most of the time.

"I brought you dinner". I dared to say after clearing my throat, fearing we didn't hear me, and I would have to repeat it again after not receiving an immediate answer.

"Come in". I heard after a moment. With difficulty, I turned the doorknob without dropping the tray, and I entered.

Like in his room, there was a table full of tools and papers. The difference is that there were more here, and he also had gadgets and machines which function I didn't know scattered around.

The Oracle of Trickery [Kid x Reader x Killer]Where stories live. Discover now