15. Curiosity killed the cat

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The ballroom's doors were suddenly wide open

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The ballroom's doors were suddenly wide open. As if we had been caught red-handed, Eustass and I quickly moved away from each other. Once again, it was Toba:

"Captain! The light's back, does that mean you got rid of her?" He asked, excited.

"The little brat is the one who did it". He ruffled my hair like a child. "Did you guys not see _____ was not following you?" He said, somewhat angry.

"Ehm, well, yeah. The thing is she told us to trust her and that we should not follow her, so..." Toba justified. Kid looked at me and then turned to look at Toba again.

"I didn't hear anything".

"I made them hear my voice with an auditive illusion. Everyone except you". I explained. "I took the opportunity when it was dark to hide behind the curtains to attack Umbra by surprise, and I created a mirage of me as a distraction". I bit the inside of my cheek, remembering what had happened instants before.

"Was it necessary to make me believe you were dead?" He was still mad about it.

"I'm sorry, I thought..."

"You thought what? You thought of disobeying my orders and risking your life?" He rose his voice.

"You also intended to risk your life being alone". I answered him, slightly bothered by his hypocrisy.

"Nothing would have happened to me".

"You didn't have a plan". I exclaimed.

"Everything was under control".

"It wasn't! What if she had shot you when you couldn't see shit? Could you have dodged the bullet so easily?" Kid was shocked by that, but he pretended to be calm.

Toba interrupted us.

"I wouldn't want to meddle in your newlywed's arguments, but Heat's fire has gotten out of hand, and everything's burning; we should get the fuck out of here". He leaned on the door.

"I am the captain, and you will follow my orders". He looked at me, menacingly, making me feel small. I scoffed. I wanted to stay silent, but Eustass pride was so big it must have slipped into my head a bit.

"You only give orders because you're unable to accept people helping you". I said. Eustass must have felt like if I had just stabbed him, seeing his expression. "What are you afraid of?" I confronted him rhetorically with a serious look. The captain did not answer and didn't have any intentions to do so.

Toba brought a hand to his mouth, hiding his panicked face.

"Why the fuck are they still there?" Killer's voice appeared behind Toba.

I stopped fighting for the control of the situation when my pupils left those of Eustass to look at the door. I sighed and headed for the door, the sound of my boots creating a fast rhythm on the floor among the sizzling fire.

The Oracle of Trickery [Kid x Reader x Killer]Where stories live. Discover now