22. Fatamorgana

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Kid pulled out the paper list with the upcoming ordeals:

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Kid pulled out the paper list with the upcoming ordeals:

1. S̶p̶i̶k̶y̶ ̶d̶e̶f̶i̶l̶e̶

2. Ugly bird jungle

3. Waterfalls

4. Stone door

5. Treasure

He took out a bitten pencil from his coat and crossed out the first step.

"Now what?". He asked me. Everyone was looking at me. For them, I was still the oracle that warned them from danger. Kid waited for my answer, as always, despite knowing the truth.

"Now... we have to go through the jungle. Nothing special, just bird. Violent birds. Quite violent... Don't look at them in the eye; they take that as a challenge". I said.

"Pff, birds, how scary". A voice from the crew jested sarcastically, followed by his peers' laughs.

We walked inside the vegetation. The tall grass reached our knees, there were palm trees, their trunks slightly bent in every direction possible. Some of the leaves moved, due to the birds that started to fly, being disturbed from its usual calmness. A squawk echoed.

Suddenly, a huge, winged figure perched itself on a rock in the middle of our path. The bird was almost two-metre tall. Its feathers were purple, its eyes big and furious, and a big orange beak with which it could cut down half of the forest if it wanted to.

"Don't move...", I whispered, lifting a hand towards the crew, "Don't make noise. They won't attack if they don't feel like we're a threat". I said calmly, but I was actually nervous. Everything depended on me.

More birds like the previous one appeared, but these were smaller; some were like pigeons, and others were like seagulls. I frowned, seeing a strange glow emanating from some of them. Like a white aura.

"Pretty little birdy...". Toba whispered with a nervous smile, too close to the beak of one of the birds. Its figure also emanated that weird aura.

"Get away from that thing, dude", Wire signed to Toba.

"I'm trying!". He half-whispered half-shouted, stepping away from it. After the sudden movement, the bird squawked and lunged towards Toba, who quickly pulled out his sword.

He would have ended that bird's life in no time, but it wasn't necessary: the image of the bird vanished in the air when it made contact with the blade.

"Did you guys see that, too?". He asked in shock.

"A mirage...". I murmured and looked again at the birds. Of course, the island was full of mirages. There was going to be traps everywhere.

The Oracle of Trickery [Kid x Reader x Killer]Where stories live. Discover now