Christmas At The Agency - Atsushi x Reader

Start from the beginning

"(Y/N)? Are you... crying?" Yosano asked in a confused and slightly worried tone from across the room as my first tear began to fall gracefully down my cheek.

"W-woah! (Y/N) What's wrong?" Atsushi spun me around slightly, grabbing me by the arms making me face him as a few more tears fell and his yellow and purple heterochromatic eyes widened before I lifted my hands to my face and burst out with laughter. A massive grin plastered on my face.

"I'm sorry I'm just really happy!" I smiled at everyone apologetically as Atsushi let me go slowly, a small smile appearing on his face.

Atsushi and I began to walk further into the office, but as we approached everyone, I noticed Dazai raising his eyebrows smirking and of course this can never be a good thing right? Of course not... he let out a fake cough and everyone raised their eyebrows at him for a moment. Almost as if on queue, Junichiro arrived

"Sorry I'm late guys, I brought some wine- who put mistletoe above the door way?" He asked and I immediately turned my head to Dazai.

"Hmm, I do have to wonder who. Though, would you look at that the last two to walk through at the same time were (Y/N) and Atsushi! Huh, you two know what that means right?" He smirked, lifting his thumb and index finger to his chin.

"Huh? What does that mean?" Atsushi tilted his head to the side like a confused puppy.

"(Y/N) knows, don't you (Y/N)?" Yosano said in a devilish tone, smirking as much as Dazai.

"N-not you too... D-do I h-have to?" I stuttered, blushing furiously at this point, looking towards the rest of the ada who for the most part were nodding their heads. "H-hey Atsushi?" I turned to the confused weretiger. "close your eyes for a minute..."

"Huh? Why?" He asked.

"JUST DO IT!" I yelled and he did as he was told, closing his eyes tightly. I leaned forward slowly and placed my lips to his cheek, giving him a quick peck on the cheek and his eyes shot open.

"That does't count!" Dazai complained.

"Dazai, its Christmas, let them be." Kunikida replied, slightly annoyed.

Atsushi was quite awkward around me for a while until we eventually had to do secret Santa. Of course I have no clue if Atsushi will like what I got him... I decided to buy Atsushi a fluffy white tiger plushie because it reminded me of him greatly... I even bought one for myself. I also bought him a box of sweets and a new blue and white scarf because I thought it would suit him. Not to mention I got him two small watch-over voodoos, one for good luck and the other was called special hugs, it was white with a big red loveheart; I just thought they were too cute.

After of everyone giving gifts, someone calls my name from behind me. I turn around to see none other than the weretiger himself. He smiles nervously at me, scratching the back of his head, he holds out a golden gift bag with a great red bow on top. My eyes widen and I hesitate for a moment before taking the gift bag from him. I then awkwardly hand him the giftbag of gifts for him and his eyes light up.

"You open yours first!" He says both excitedly and nervously.

I begin to open the gift bag and peer inside, there appears to be three poorly wrapped gifts and I let out a small chuckle because I find it so adorable that he at least tried. If somehow we ever end up as a couple, I'm making a mental note that I should either help teach him wrap or do the majority of the wrapping... I quickly snap myself out of my thoughts and pick up the first gift, unwrapping it carefully. It was a photo frame and in the frame was a picture I had almost forgotten about. It was a picture of Atsushi and I at the park, the first time we met up outside work. I picked up the second gift, unwrapping it to reveal two boxes of (favourite flavour) pocky! I pick up the third gift and unrapped it. After unwrapping it I relaised it was a box and I heard familiar sounding juingles coming from inside. I slowly took the lid off the box to see watch-over voodoos! Three of them to be exact. One to always be lucky, it was white wearing red, the second was the guardian angel one, it was white with pink and the last was the special hugs one.

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