15. Curiosity killed the cat

Start from the beginning

The captain only started to march when I had disappeared out of his visual camp. I knew he was very angry when no one tried to talk to him. Not even when we exited the casino.

Or what was left of it, since the majority was falling, only leaving debris. Mostly, the ceiling and the walls. The pillars, made of marble, were still erect. I dodged a few clowns in tuxedos laying on the floor, and some civilians that didn't have time to escape.

Our entire crew was waiting for us outside (I supposed since I couldn't have told you if someone was missing), next to Patty and her workers. Walking away from Solaris, I got to know that Patty and the rest were the ones who helped Heat escape when he had been captured by Umbra, and then helped Killer and the others to fight with the henchmen. When Killer warned Wire, Chum and Toba to get ready, the doctor used his own den den mushi (I didn't know he had one) to notify the rest of the groups of the crew scattered around the island. I was surprised at the speed at which they had come, just in time.

Entering the city again, we saw a few persons who had previously run out of the casino, watching the sky.

"I-It's day-time? Darling, look, it's the sun". A lady I recognised as the woman who told us where the games were told her husband. More people around couldn't believe their eyes.

The Kid Pirates weren't the type to give explanations nor act like heroes, so they clearly ignored those persons and kept on walking to the ship. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Patty standing on a trash can to catch everyone's attention. She started to explain Umbra's true nature and how they had been tricked. Maybe she explained a bit too much when she shared her distress at not being able to hang her head in her brothel, for the corpse had burned.

"What will we do now?" A voice said.

"Aren't you going to help us?" A man tried to get some of the pirates' attention. He was so unlucky he grabbed Eustass' arm. He knew he had committed a mistake when his face turned around to look at him as if he was nothing more than a cockroach to him.

"Why would I have to help a bunch of rats in their rathole?" He said slowly, every word piercing that man's heart. Eustass wanted to grab his gun, realizing he was still wearing the suit and no weapon around. That made him angrier, and he kicked the man, sending him to fly against a wall.

Without any sign of empathy, he continued his way.

"Did you get the necessary supplies? The next voyage will be long". He asked to no one in particular.

"Yes, captain". A sailor answered. "Everything's in the ship".

"Great. Heat". He called him. "Burn this fucking island down".

The bluette nodded, opening his mouth so wide it transported me to the uncanny valley. The flames licked the streets and houses, quickly spreading around. People started to run, screaming, realizing they were in the presence of actual pirates. Some tried to save some valuable objects of their homes, others were leaving their homes, warning the rest of the danger.

The screams made us company until we reached the ship, where the captain ordered to shoot the cannons in direction to the city as a final blow. Luckily, Patty and the rest weren't left behind and also reached "their ship". I didn't want to see any more destruction, so I went to the cellar, to at least take off this stupid party dress and fake that everything was fine.

A white spot appeared in my vision half an hour later. I looked at the door.

"Why are you still wearing that suit?" I asked Killer.

"Why is the captain acting as if he was going to bite someone's head off?" I rolled my eyes.

"Why should I know the answer?"

The Oracle of Trickery [Kid x Reader x Killer]Where stories live. Discover now