Chapter 24

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"Blake why are you bringing in a club?" I asked while he hold my hands.

"Since you're already at the right age I think it's time for you to get out of your comfort zone" he said a smirk forming his face.

"Ughhh ok"

We walked hand in hand in front of the double doors. There was a huge line of crowd. Some complaining and some looking irritated.

There we stood in front of this 5'11 dude, big biceps, pecs and abs that's pressed through his gray Vneck, and tattoos on his left arm.

"Hmm Blake long time no see. I see you brought someone new with you?" He said placing his attention in me.

Putting his arm around my waist and pulling me closer he spoke, "yep. This is Claire, my girlfriend"

I don't know how or why but I felt tingles on my skin...

Opening the door the guy said, " well enjoy and have fun"

I heard a few people complained about us going in easily but I just ignored.

"Oh you know I will" Blake said winking at me.

No words came out. I don't know whether to say something or nah.

When we came in, the loud music vibrated through my whole body. Alcohol scent with a mixed of perfume and sweat filled the air. Different colors of lights flashed everywhere in the room. I can hear people laughing at some things.

We walked to this empty table an sat beside each other and his arms wrapped around mine.

While on my phone replying to Jey's spams, I heard Blake tell this person to get us some drinks.

"Here" he said as he handed me a champagne glass full of clear liquid but the scent is surely alcohol.

"Thanks" I replied with a smile before taking a sip.
"Mmm it's not strong"

"Of course I won't let you get all drunk again like last night"
He said while taking a sip from his.

"I love you..." I whispered in his ear.

"What was that?" He said making his voice a little louder.

"I said," this time my voice is higher than usual. "..I love you"

He laughed. Why is he laughing? Why the fuck is he laughing? -_-

"Why you laughing?" Confusion spread my face.

"I heard you in the first place. I just wanna hear you say it again.
"But I love you"

He leaned closer to me and kiss my bottom lip. Then I felt him pull apart from me. I opened my face confused again. I see him smirking. Well that was the shortest kiss ever. It somehow made me wanna crave for more...

"What's wrong" he asked sounding so innocent but his eyes held darkness. Not those scary, dangerous darkness. It's like those darkness that makes you feel safe and sleepy.

I must've been looking at his eyes for I don't how long...until he spoke.

"Umm Claire?"

"Uhh nothing" I forgot what I was gonna say. "I'm gonna use the bathroom where is it?"

"It's in that hallway over there and turn to your right. It's at the end" he said while pointing to the direction.

Getting up I said "thanks" before walking to the bathroom.

"I'll be here" I hear him say.

Finally I found the female's bathroom. As I got inside the smell of perfume filled the room. Well it's better than the scent outside the room. Hmm nobody's in here?....

I put the thought aside and started looking at my reflection in the mirror. My curls are still in place and curly. Well that's what the power of hairsprays do.

After washing my hand and drying it off I headed out of bathroom and guess who I bumped into?


There stood the person in front me who I haven't had connection with for the past few days.

"Hey Alex" I said. No other expressions from me showed. Just a smile.

"Oh hey Claire long time no see" he said sounding drunk.

Something's different...he changed. Hair all messy and his eyes held anger, venom,....hurt?

Something tells me to walk away already and I agreed.

"Anyways I'll go now..." I said as I try to find my way out since he's standing in front of me. But he kept blocking me.

"No no Claire" he shook his head as he walk closer to me making me hit a cold wall behind me.
"You should've said yes. You should've gave me a chance. How can you still like that whore when he already caused you pain?" He slurred as he trapped me by keeping his body close to mine and arms around me. I'm pinned.

"Alex please you're drunk. Just understand" I begged for him to let me go but his grip is too tight and he's strong as well.

"No Claire. Let me just..." Before he could continue his sentence, he roughly kissed me, pressing his body to mine and holding me tighter. I can't move. His hands then travels down to my butt as he trails down my neck and back up my lips. This is just uncomfortable. And I can't breathe. As he pulled his lips from mine I gasped for air which took him a chance to kiss me back again and stick his tongue in mouth almost in my throat. Again, I can't breathe.

Tears formed in my eyes as I wanna yell for help.

"Get off of her you son of a bitch!" I hear a familiar voice yell.

*Blake's POV*

After 5 minutes when claire left to go to the bathroom, this guy came in the hallway. His brown messy hair and eyes held something bad...I don't know but I had a bad feeling about that guy. And he's drunk. I then shoved the thought on the side and just continue going through my phone and take a sip on my drink.

It's been 15 minutes already and she's not back yet. So is that guy, I last saw that went through the hallway. I started to have that bad feeling again and that's when I decided to go through the hallways and see what's up.

As i approached the hallway, I suddenly heard some.....groans? The sound came from the right where the ladies bathroom is.

There I saw the guy from earlier............harassing almost raping Claire?! My blood started to boil in anger. I walk towards and yell.

"Get off of her you son of a bitch!"

I grasped on his shirt and throw him off of her and onto the floor. I punched his face repeatedly and he punched me back as well. My last punch knocked him out cold. I stood up and went up to Claire who's on the floor sitting up, curled up tears flowing down her face. Her mascara as well.

I got her to stand up and cover her with my jacket.

"Let's go home" she said with her shaky voice.

I nodded and led her out the entrance where Zander, the bouncer that let us in earlier stood and ask, "leaving so soon?"

Then his eyes landed on Claire who's tears are still flowing down her face.

"What happened?" He asked concerned.

"The guy near the ladies restroom is the cause of this. Arrest him, beat him up. Do what you wanna do with that guy" as for that I left, hearing Zander call two of his co-bouncers and order them to get the guy.

Getting her in the car, I whispered in her ear, "I'll always be here for you. Don't you forget it"
Awwwwwww Blake I WANT CHU.

Anyways don't forget to vote and comment if you'd like to say anything. Sorry if there's any mistakes or errors but it's just bad typing :)


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