27 | Stress Level: HSM 3

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The trio's mini trip to Disney was over quicker than they would've liked, but fun nonetheless. They stayed on their last night to watch part of the light show, but once Joshua realized how long it would take them to get back in time for filming, he quickly grabbed Liv's hand, who grabbed Madison's, and they ran out to his car to get on the road back to Salt Lake City.

"The current vibe I'm getting from this is when Troy and Gabriella were rushing back to school for the musical in HSM 3," Madison stated breathlessly as she crawled into the backseat of Joshua's car.

"Like those stress level memes? I don't like how accurate that feels right now," Joshua replied as he drove out of the parking lot to exit the park.

"Agreed, but it was a fun little weekend getaway," Olivia smiled, Joshua nodding next to her.

"Let's do it again next time I visit SLC!" Madison grinned.

"NO!" Olivia and Joshua exclaimed in unison, turning to look at each other and raising their pinkies, "Jinx! Jinx again!"

"Our mental synchronization," Olivia began.

"Can't have but one explanation," Joshua added.


"And I!"

"Were just—"

"MEANT TO BE!" Madison shouted from the back, the three teenagers laughing together. "Okay, it's official, we need to listen to the Frozen soundtrack now, especially since Frozen 2 is coming out later this year."

"If it's not even close to how good Frozen is, I don't want it," Joshua said as Madison began to play the movie's soundtrack.

The three sang along to each and every song, then fighting about which Disney movie soundtrack to play next. This went on for a few hours until Madison fell asleep, leaving only Olivia and Joshua to debate about which soundtrack would be next.

"Okay, how about Aladdin?" Olivia suggested.

"The movie or the Broadway show?"

"I thought we were still continuing the Disney soundtrack marathon? But I'm down for Broadway too," Olivia pulled up the Broadway soundtrack. "But if we end up listening to Hadestown next, don't be surprised if Madison awakens and sings along half-asleep."

Joshua chuckled. "Understandable, but now I'm tempted to listen to Hadestown instead."

"You're a Hadestown fan, too?"

"Name one person who isn't?"

"I'm sure they're out there, like there's non Star Wars fans."

"I can't imagine living a life without Star Wars and Hadestown."


"So you gonna play Hadestown or what?"

"Fine, but if she wakes up, I'm blaming you," Olivia switched from Aladdin to Hadestown, turning around to make sure Madison was still asleep, which she was.

The two made sure to sing quietly to not disturb a sleeping Madison, but still loud enough that they were able to hear the other singing their parts. Respectively, Joshua was Orpheus, Olivia was Eurydice, and the two would go back-and-forth when it came to Hades.

After getting through Hadestown, Olivia began to feel her eyes grow heavy. She let out a yawn, Joshua noticing, "If you want to sleep it's okay, you've been awake for a majority of this ride."

"Honestly, I was staying awake to make sure you'd be awake and not fall asleep behind the wheel. We're only 7 hours in to our 10 hour drive back."

"I can handle another three hours, Liv, but thanks for the concern," he smiled. "And besides, if I'm desperate, I can pull up somewhere and get a coffee or energy drink. But for now I feel okay."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure. Get some rest, we're gonna have a long day ahead of us."

"Okay. Thanks again, Joshy," Olivia whispered as she used her jacket as a blanket.

"For what? Letting you sleep?"

"Well, kind of, but also for going along with this crazy plan and going with us to Disneyland. You didn't have to do that."

"For the record, I'm glad I did. I had a lot of fun," Joshua glanced over for a quick moment to smile at her, the eye contact sending a small shiver down Olivia's spine.

"Me too," she smiled back.

"Okay, enough talking, go sleep."

"Fine. But if you listen to Hamilton without me, it's over for you."



A/N: tehehe a filler?? after not updating for 2 months?? what else is to be expected 🙈

i am once again apologizing for this unexpected hiatus!! i was really struggling with school and my mental health these past couple of months, but now that my midterms/finals are over and i've had a few days to unwind, i decided to work on an update because it has been way too long 🥵 i'm really sorry about that, i'll try to do better!

let's chat in the comments! how have you guys been? i enjoy replying to your comments and starting convos so don't be shy 🙈💅✨

also merry christmas eve, happy holidays, whichever you celebrate!!

anyway i hope you all enjoyed this chapter! if so please don't forget to vote comment and share because i love your feedback!

thanks, until next time ;)

𝐈 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐈 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐚, 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 • Joliviaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن