My head slowly fell to look at the ground, "Bullshit, it's gotta be..." at the back of my mind I could believe it but I didn't want to.

"So now that that's out of the way, Where are the rest of them?"


"Answer my question," he walked closer to the chair.



My face was tilted from the impact, but it snapped me out of the daze.

"Where are the rest of them" he lowered his voice in irritation.

"" my brows returned to their furrow.


Killer POV

As we had discussed, we met up at the bottom of the mansion. Letting Kidd know what we picked up.

"The Elite Officers are out doing requests around this time of the day along with the lower officers." Heat relayed to Kid about what he found out.

"The only person around at this time of day is Joker himself." I clarified the crucial detail after heat finished.

"Great. Here's what we're doing.."


"I bet you're starved huh?" Doflamingos mocking voice chimed. He was loosing this battle of trying to get me to speak. He must be loosing patience as well.

"Fuck you, I'm not hungry." I snapped at him, knowing he's up to something.

"I'm sure you are. That is, because you haven't ate in two days plus your energy was drained quite well three nights ago." He grinned from ear to ear.

"That's fucking disgusting man. I'm your cousin" my face twisted in disgust at his words.

"Does it look like I care. Now you must be famished." He clasped his hands together, a smile implanted on his face again, "MAID!"

In the next few seconds the door creaked open quickly revealing a tiny female.

"Bring our dear guest here somthing to eat.oh and knock on the door before entering." He had walked over to the corner of the room and sat down on a sofa.

"Right away young master!" She quickly bowed and left, leaving me and the bastard in the room.

"I....told you...I wasn't fucking.. hungry?" My body was definitely hungry. Screaming at me to eat. Fatigue was effecting my ability to speak and the hunger was not helping.

"Ah, but you are dear. I know you are just being stubborn to look tough in the eyes of your dear old cousin. But you don't have to do that. I love all my family equally." His hand had been placed at his chest arrogantly.

"We b-both Know that's...b-bullshit." my head hung over to weak to lift it and look in his direction.

"I'm offended you think that way." His head had raised and eyes closed, completely making his arrogance noticable from a mile away.

The door had 3 knocks placed on it catching his attention. He stood up and walked out in response.

Not moments later, he rolled in a small trolly, on it a platter of food that smelled amazing. He had placed the trey on the side of my seat, leaving me confused. He turned to me and began undoing the buckles on the chairs restraints, just the hands Though.

"Bon appetit." He moved the trolly back in front of me, a fork placed beside the trey to eat with.

My mouth was watering but I couldn't eat it, he probably poisoned it. Like hell would I be trusting him.

"I haven't poisoned it, if that's what your thinking. Here I'll prove it," He grabbed the fork and took a random piece of the food and ate it, "see, fine."

Still slightly skeptical I pick up the fork and take a bite. He didn't seem the type to poison food then eat it.
The food tasted godly on my famished tongue. But it wasn't as enjoyable as I hoped because my body was still in pain. It hadn't forgotten it's damage, no not one bit.

As I ate the food he had given, my body was starting to hurt more and more. With each pump of my heart, it felt like Needles we're all over my body, Every swallow felt like shards of glass going down, and every blink felt like a blade, Slicing through my eyes.

I knew it, i shouldn't have trusted him. But what was it, what drug was it.

"Hyperalgesia, the condition in which the bodies nerves because hypersensitive. All nerve endings acute and sharp. So even the lightest tap of a finger feels like a bullet. Have you ever heard of it." His lips of course in that damned smirk of victory.

"Fuck you!" The words hurt so much coming out. And the previous damage to my vocals we're not helping one bit.

"I think I'll be getting some information out of you now." He shoved the trolly over and latched my hands back, making sure the straps were tight as hell. I wanted to scream but couldn't.

He lifted himself back up and began his process of ask and fail all over again.

Yes it's a shorter chapter but considering how long this has been drafted.... Well for now I hope you liked it.

I've had school shit so updates are slow so, thank you guys for being patient for me!😾✨

Srry about the Grammer!

Srry about the Grammer!

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