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Kid's Pov...

Finally, onto the island, we walked along the roads with multiple people.. and toys, walking too.

Killer had walked into town and got better disguises for us, mainly because no one would know who he was without his mask.

(I imagine killer is to pretty to be taken seriously under his mask, so for now I guess you can say he's wrapped bandages around his face to co er partially)

I was wearing a black button-up shirt and mustache, while Heat was just wearing a mustache and suit... Killer just changed his shirt.

"We'll have to gather some information about the family before we go up there," I spoke calmly to killer and heat, making sure to lower my voice so they were the only ones to hear it.

As I spoke I was interrupted by an awfully familiar scream that was faint but audible if you listened. Killer and Heat heard it too because they froze looking at me.

"She's alive, that's all that matters right now, we still need to stick to this plan." My fists clenched in anger that my crewmate was being tortured, and I couldn't do a damn thing about it yet.

Killer and Heat nodded, "we'll meet up with you captain. In front of the mansion, just don't kill anyone yet." They two walked in different directions and I walked the other.



My eyes snap open at a sharp sensation of burning on my face, a little alarmed, but instantly hissing in pain from the fresh burn on my stomach.

"Wakey Wakey little bitch, time for more fun."

The voice I had already come to hate, made my eyes snap towards him. But my eyes weren't as fast as normal, one was slightly drooping from exhaustion.

"Hey hey don't go falling asleep again just yet, you need to answer my questions." He cackled after his words.

"Fuck...y..you," my throat felt torn and broke when I spoke.

He was visibly pleased with my condition, "tch tch, I just need you to tell me where the remaining amount of your swords are. I already have four now, the one you carried on your waist, and the 3 you entrusted to your dear friend Akira." His face that was inches from mine possessed a sneer.

"That's a lie damn it... there's no way he would...g-give them up so f-fucking easily!" The hoarse vocals break slightly, here and there. My arms weakly pulling at the leather restraining me and staring him down. He turned and walked a few steps in front of me.

"oh but a dear friend who gets lost, gives up so easily." He ticked his finger back and forth, "Especially the ones abandoned, when they needed you the most. They just give completely up." he waved his hands and closed his hands. (The gay finger roll & jazz hands mixed..iykyk)

"ABANDONED! HE LEFT ON HIS OWN TURN!" I yanked again on the straps.

"Oh, maybe I should correct myself," he turned back to face me, sneer still on his lips, " Forced to leave."

My brows furrowed in confusion and anger, "what do you mean forced?" I relaxed and let him speak.

"Oh don't tell me you didn't know what your dear old captain did," he put on a fake frown, "He maimed your poor old friend and told him to leave."

my heart skipped a beat, "I already knew he took his tongue, but-"

"oh no no, he gave your friend a new scar, right across his face. Quite alike to yours." His fake frown quickly turned into a smile.

Eustass Kidd x reader(hyper)Where stories live. Discover now