
" Are you ordering me?"

" Of course! I was just a teenager when we got married. I have got so much to learn. I want to be a good mother but first I wanna be free of every responsibility and live like a normal girl for these months. In other words, I need some air. "

Arish kissed my forehead. " I am so glad you are okay."

"Me too." I whispered.


" Why are we going to that route?" Arish asked. " Because you have to apologize for your actions."

" And-"

" Don't ask questions! Drive."

" Yes ma'am." He answered making me chuckle.

" Okay stop the car." I starred in his eyes with such adoration. " From this point onwards I will drive and you will walk till our home." I said as his face paled.

" No! Come on! We are meeting after 2 weeks and you wanna do this? Besides this was supposed to be our 'date'. " He said.

I got off the car and opened his door. " Get out right now. Dear husband! " I laughed as groaned.

" Married life sucks." He got out and I drove.

It was fun whenever he slowed down I chased him with the car.

After 3 hours of him groaning, we reached his house. " Happy? Now carry me to our room." He asked.

I laughed " You wish!"

" Jana? " I heard Baba call. " Looks like my Baba came to take me home. " I laughed again. " But this is your home." He grunted.

" Not for now. Date time is over. I have to hang out with my friends now. Goodbye." I was about to walk away when I remembered something. I turned and stepped on his foot real hard.

" Oh you in your mind." He whined.

" This actually feels good. Don't worry I will always love you." I said and left with Baba.

Living with Daniyal and Baba, made me think how different my life would've been if I lived with them from the start. But then I would not be this person. I gave my father a chance and I was blessed to find how amazing he actually is.

The most surprising event that happened in the past days was my adoptive father aka Yaqteen's dad came to ask if I was okay. He used to visit me now and then. Didn't say much but the first day he came . He said. " I am sorry." Then nothing.

My adoptive mother is taking care of me and living with me. She was concerned that I would not take good care of me and the babies. She ordered me that she will be with me after the babies arrive. She wanted to take proper care of them.

I did not complain as I needed all the help I could get. But in her way this was her making up to me. Yaqteen, Sherry, Almir, Daniyal, Reza and I always hang out.

I decided to work in a small marketing firm. My co-workers are awesome except that one douchebag who thinks he is good at everything and the woman who has a crush on him and defends him to a level of toxicity. I do not like them. Though I am sure they don't like me either.

I do often visit Jellal who is now in therapy. Though, Arish is strongly against it. I do feel I owe him that much.

I have been blessed with these amazing people in my life. I couldn't have asked for more.


" Congratulations! Both of them are girls." The doctor announced. I was alone in that room as the nurse placed the babies by my sides. Tears fell down, as I saw them.

So beautiful. " Oh you both are so cute. "

Arish entered the room. He was crying. " Can I touch them?" I laughed and nodded. " They are small." He spoke. " Hold her. " I said and he looked at her so lovingly.

He held her close as she held on his finger. " Her name is Noor e Jahan." I said and his eyes widen. More tears fell down his eyes. " He looked to the other baby girl in my arm. I picked her up and placed her gently on his other arm. " And her name is Hania. " He spoke softly.

We both starred at them as they slept peacefully.

After some time, Sherry and Almir came in.

" So which one is my responsibility?" He asked.

" None. " I answered. " You are the most irresponsible person I know."

" I am wounded." He spoke.

" Can I hold her?" He asked Arish as he gave Noor e Jahan to him. "Once I told your father that your mother wanted to be a mother, you what she did? She threw a whole jug of water on me. She was laughing. Now look who is laughing. Oh my lil girl. So cute you are. " Noor e Jahan smiled.

" You will not change at all. "

Almir held Hania and was letting her sleep peacefully unlike one if his brothers.

After that day, our home was never quiet. When I say never, I mean never.


The End.

Thank you all for reading. 😊

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