JK was the last to arrive, a few minutes later as he gave me a quick wink, before managing to take Effie away from Joon, much to Hobi's annoyance as he wanted the next hold.

"You are next Hobi" Yoongi said, trying to stop the hissy fit that Hobi was about to throw, making all of us laugh.

"Hello pretty baby" Jimin said down at Effie as he passed by JK who had sat down with her, and he came and stood by me, "and hello pretty buttons"

I breathed out a small laugh.

We all settled down in our chairs, I was in the middle of Jimin and Tae, and JK was next to Tae.

Hobi was across from Jimin, now holding Effie, happily smiling down at her, as Yoongi was next to him, watching the both of them.

Jin came in a round of drinks, and I loved that he knew to bring me a glass of coke, and not ask to see if wanted an alcoholic drink because he knew I was nursing and expressing. I didn't miss drinking anyway, I never was a big drinker.

Joon helped pass them out as he sat on the end as Jin settled in between Yoongi and Joon.

"How's being parents then?" Hobi asked, looking between Yoongi and myself.

"I think we've adapted well" I breathed.

Yoongi smiled, "she's being modest, she's amazing with Effie"

My chest swelled, as I smiled over at him.

"And you are an equally amazing Dad to her" I returned the compliment, making him give me gummy smile.

The conversation fell naturally around us all as Jin and Jimin brought out all of our food. They had a mixture of everything, all of our favourite Korean and American food.

Jin had hold off Effie as he took her out of Hobi's arms, as he knew to put her in her stroller next to the table, facing Jimin since we were going to be eating.

She started getting a bit restless about half way through the meal, and Jimin put his hand on her belly, rubbing and shushing gently.

"Didn't expect you to be a natural with babies, Jimin" Joonie teased.

Jimin gave him a small smile, "I have to be if I'm going to be her favourite Uncle"

Tae made a shocked sound, but gave Jimin a big boxy smile, "you can try"

Yoongi was the first to finish, and went over and picked up Effie, and rocking her gently side to side.

She was starting to yawn, and Yoongi stopped rocking her, and changed positions with her, because he knew that I had to nurse her before she fell asleep.

Yoongi came over and passed her to me, as she started to chew on her closed fist.

She was fast asleep within twenty minutes, as I burped her before settling her down in her stroller, and changing her diaper quickly, which she didn't stir at all during apart from normal little grunting noises.

I pulled the hood down to keep it darker for her, and left the stroller next to Jimin. As I sat down Jimin put his hand on the back of my chair. I felt his fingers drift over my arm.

Tae leant his hand over to my thigh, and I put it into his, as they all drank happily and chatting.

"I've spoken to my Father" Yoongi said in a break of conversation.

All of us went quiet, looking after at him.

"I'm meeting him here, tomorrow evening... I'll be able to control myself in a public setting, especially this place" he added, glancing at Jin.

Jin nodded.

"Do you want me to be here hyung?" JK asked.

Yoongi looked thoughtful for a second, "you all can be, if you want to be"

"I don't want Effie around him" I said quickly.

Tae nodded next to me, as Yoongi looked over at me, "I get that, and neither do I. But trust me in knowing that he wouldn't ever get close enough to either of you"

"You got that right" JK muttered quietly before taking a drink of his beer.

"I just didn't want you feeling like I was leaving you out, that's all petal. Our family will be around you, don't worry" Yoongi said, adding a little smile at the end.

That conflicted my feelings, because I did want to support him. And I knew if I stayed at home, I would only be worrying and wondering what was going on. And I knew that would have to make Tae and Jimin feel like they had to choose what to do, because they knew I would also be worrying alone, if they chose to come here.

I nodded slowly, "I'll wear the wrap, so he won't be able to see her"

Yoongi offered a little smile.

"Let's hope he leaves, after the talk" Joon added.

We all nodded in agreement, and I glanced over to the stroller, as I heard Effie started to breathe heavier, falling into a deeper sleep. Jimin caught my eye as I looked away, and a slow smile came onto his face, with the gentle eyes I was so used to seeing now.

Then whole evening was perfect, I loved seeing them all so relaxed with one another. It seemed like it had been a tense handful of months.

Tae and Jimin walked with me back to my apartment, and right away, Jimin fell onto the sofa, and was asleep within seconds.

"Lightweight" Tae breathed out.

I scoffed, seeing Tae swaying lightly.

He flashed me a big grin, before kissing me on the temple and heading towards my bedroom.

I changed Effie's diaper, and got her changed into her sleep suit, which did wake her up but I knew once I nursed her, she would go right back to sleep.

As I settled her in her Moses basket, she was looking very milk drunk which I took a few pictures off, and then got into bed myself, pulling my pillow out of Tae's grasp that he had pinned to his chest. He grumbled in his sleep, and his arms came around me.


You Saved Me | Y&J | ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें