Punz II Retrouvailles

Start from the beginning

He hung up not allowing her to finish. Knowing how Y/N would react next. This motherfuc- Calling her at such a time was unusual of him. Y/N was well aware at times he'd stream late at night or awake but he never bothered her knowing she was fast asleep. Something was definitely wrong. Whether he told her or not she could tell. His voice seemed different too.

She rushed out of bed, nearly falling in the process, and ran to her front door. It seemed he was waiting for her for who knows how long. No matter how exhausted she looked, her hair being a complete mess, she had to hurry. Y/N's eyes were fixed at the door once she reached her destination. Wondering whether or not he really was on the other side. With hesitation, she unlocked the door and slowly turned the doorknob.

"Hey." He hummed as his eyes and nose crinkled.

Punz looked like shit. Small injuries appeared all over his face. Scratches of blood in the blink of his nose, and his cheeks. And a cut on his lip which slowly trickled down the neck of his shirt. Y/N was trying not to stare only to find her eyes diverting to it. Y/N wanted to ask so many questions. Why he came to her front door? Why he looked like this? What happened? Yet, she knew Punz had no intention of explaining the matter.

Y/N's eyes showed a gentle concern. "Luke... What happened to your face?" She laid her hand lightly on his cheek, examining the injuries a little further.

Instead of flinching from the pain (he was no pussy anyway so why would he?) Punz was caught off guard. They were used to calling each other by their nicknames it almost seemed natural. Y/N never called him by his birth name unless she was upset. Specifically at him.

"It's not like it hurts." Punz maintained eye contact, shrugging it off. Rubbing his lips with his palm, blood smearing against his cheek.

She spoke in such a soft voice he felt her words calming him. Punz felt lost and feeling lost sucks. You're out there somewhere, wandering in the end seeking that spark of hope. He ended up doing things he now regretted. The only person he could go to, who would have the answers, a person who wouldn't blame him for his mistakes would be none other than Y/N.

Here Punz was. Standing on her doorstep with little notice. Back from a stupid fight, he got himself into not too long ago. He waited, waited for her to yell at him for being so reckless, stupid even. He even expected her to end the friendship between them over something like this, yet, nothing. With her gentle grace, Y/N pulled him inside without another word.

Y/N flicked on a couple of lights. Which took him a few moments to get used to. Punz stood aimlessly around the room, watching her grab a first aid kit from one of the cabinets and soaking a dry cloth in the sink. Y/N invited him to sit down on the couch, then using the wet cloth and cleaned up any dried blood around his face. The majority of the cuts weren't severe and seemed to have stopped bleeding on their own. Y/N grabbed some small bandages placing them on his nose and lip where a cut was much deeper compared to the others. If there were other injuries then Punz kept them well hidden.

Punz sighed. "I told you I'm fine. This really isn't necessary." He tried to move her hand away, attempting to pick off the bandages thinking he didn't need them.

Y/N grabbed his hand stopping him from doing so. "Luke, I'm your friend!" Y/N frowned as she stared into that blue eyes of his. "You don't have to put on a tough face around me."

Punz eyes widen. When she spoke her voice trails slowly like her words are unwilling to take flight. There is a sadness in her eyes and he didn't realize it was because of him. "Why did you really call me?" Y/N asked in that small tone of hers.

𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 II 𝐌𝐂𝐘𝐓 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now