Part 7

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The summer months have been a pain in the ass, my uncle and aunt have been treating me even worse then normal. And I just blew up Aunt Marge and sent her flying off who know where. I ran upstairs packed all my things and got onto the knight bus and headed towards the Leaky Cauldron. I got a room and fell asleep thinking of Ginny and how beautiful she was and how awesome she was. 

Then all of a sudden I get a feeling as though she is coming closer to me and all of a sudden I could tell you the exact general area where she was. She was in a car probably and she was moving closer to the Leaky Cauldron. I fall asleep with happiness because I get to see Ginny tomorrow, and the rest of the Weasley's of course but mostly Ginny.

The next morning I excitedly get ready and head down for breakfast, when all of a sudden I hear Mrs and Mr Weasley talking about Sirius Black. The conversation was about how Sirius Black is going to hunt Harry down and kill him, and the fact that he is Harry's godfather who was the one that caused Harry's parents death. This pisses me off so much, I go back into my room and punch the wall hard enough to make a hole in the wall. This causes me pain and anxiety until I hear her  voice in my head, "Harry? What's wrong?''

"My godfather, the murderer Sirius Black is the reason my parents are dead." I am furious right now I can feel my anger radiating from the room, their is a very bright glow coming from my body filling the room with light. 

"Harry what room are you in, never mind I can see where you are." Just then the door swings open to reveal Hermione, and the Weasley's who are just staring at Harry in shock. But Ginny pushes her family to the side and runs straight at Harry and as soon as she touches him with her small, warm hands and for some reason all my anger just disappeared into nothingness. 

"Harry you're okay, you're okay." Ginny was now hugging me as the light begins to fade back into my body. 

"I'm okay." I acknowledge the group standing in the doorway still looking as if they had just seen a ghost. I turn to the girl hugging me, who makes me feel whole, "I'm okay. I just need a moment." The group at the door nods and look at Ginny who shakes her head.

"I'm staying with him for right now we will be down soon so we can go get our new stuff." They turn and head down to get breakfast "Why did that just happen and what the heck just happened?" 

"I was heading down to breakfast to see you and I overheard a conversation that you're parents were having about Sirius Black.  And I snapped I heard that he was the reason my parents were dead and that he was my godfather of all people. It made me so mad and then all of a sudden their was that glow again and it felt like I was going to explode with the power that just coming out of my body." I look up at her and it wasn't the face I was expecting, I was expecting fear, terror, and neglect but I see worry and a face full of love. It caught me completely off guard.

She looked confused now, "What?"

"Oh you're just really cute." She blushes a bright color of crimson and smacks me in the arm, "Ow!" 

"Well thats what you get." She was still blushing very much. She punches me in the same spot again.

"For what?" Grabbing my arm in the spot she punched me. "Come on lets go down to breakfast." I grab her hand and lead her to the rest of her family and Hermione who is off yelling at Ron for some reason. And all is right with the world right now.  

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