"Miss Eve!"

She looked around and saw a chauffeur calling her name as he approached her.

"It is good to see you again, milady," He said.

"And you as well," Eve returned, having no clue who he is, but remained polite.

He grabbed her bags, "Follow me, Milady."

Eve did as such and followed the chauffeur to the car, he placed her bags in the back before opening the door for Eve to get in. The chauffeur got in the front and began to drive back to what Eve can only assume is her home. The drive took them through the countryside before coming up on a grand house. Eve saw what seemed to be the entire household lined up to welcome her home. Eve began to wonder how much Colonel Blake had told her family about her condition.

When the car stopped in front of the house, Eve could see the smiles on their faces. A man came up and opened the car door before helping her out. Another man and a woman walked toward Eve.

"Eve, we are so glad that you are safe," The woman told her.

"Thank you," Eve said, "I"m sorry, but could we perhaps do introductions?"

The man and woman's smiles fell from their faces, the same happened to the staff and the rest of the family. They were confused and worried for Eve.

"I take it that Colonel Blake did not make you inform you of my additional medical condition?"

"No, he did not," The man answered.

"Let's go into the drawing room and you can tell us everything, dear," The woman said before they all went into the grand house and the drawing-room.

They all sat down, except for a man in a wheelchair, and looked at Eve with concern and curiosity.

"Now, can you tell us what happened to you?" The man asked.

"My story begins a few days before the end of the war," Eve began," I was told that a few members of the medical staff and I were helping another field hospital evacuate. I saved a little girl and hit my head pretty hard when I was thrown forward by the blast of a bomb. Colonel Blake said that the cut I had received was minor and the only injury I had, but I was unconscious and they were hoping for the best. When I woke up, I had no clue where I was, or who I was. Colonel Blake then explained to me what had happened."

The woman who had walked up to Eve with the man reached over to Eve and grabbed her hands, "Oh, Eve, we're so sorry that this has happened to you."

"Don't be, it is not as if you had any control over it," Eve told the woman.

"And there's her American optimism," The man commented, "Well, I suppose we should get on with introducing ourselves; I am your Uncle Robert, this is your Aunt Cora, your Grandmama Violet, your Cousins Mary, Edith, and Sybil, and this is Cousin Isobel Crawley, her son Matthew, and his fiancée Lavinia."

"It is so grand to meet all of you, and I hope that with time I will be able to gain my memories back as well as new memories."

"Sybil will take you to your room to help you get settled before the dressing gong and to be reacquainted with Hera, your German Shepherd, Darling," Cora told her.

"Follow me," Sybil said. The two left the drawing room and went up the stairs to Eve's room. As they walked through the house, Eve marveled at everything she saw.

When Sybil opened the door to Eve's room, they were greeted by Hera, who jumped on Eve and knocked her down. Both Eve and Sybil laughed at what happened before Sybil helped her up.

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