Son of a chicken Sandwich

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As I'm pulling up to my poor looking home, I first notice that Chance isn't here yet. But the second thing I notice is that someone else is.

Who? That's just it I don't know.

But the car, is a old, rundown ford truck. It's pretty rusty, having been used a lot over the last years, the colour is red? I don't know, the paint job is chipped badly.

There's also a shit ton of dents in it as well. I think this truck has been through more rough times then I myself have.

Some things click in my brain. I've seen that truck before. But where?

I pull into the driveway. At first glance, I don't see anyone. At second glance and third, as well as forth, I still don't see anyone, but I do however see the front door slightly open a tad.

Someone broke in?

Looking at the other houses on the street, although very rundown, look way better then my own. Who would want to steal from this dump of a home?

Walking for the front door, I take cautious steps. To afraid, if I make any sound.

Now I may be some badass, illegal, underground fighter, but in this side of my life, the one where I don't go in the ring, I'm a sweet innocent, little girl who will most certainly cry if a dog dies.

Yup that explains it. Like a YingYang.

I'm tough. Wether it comes from the mouth or from the fist, I can take it. But that's only in the ring. Outside of the ring, I'm some other completely different girl.

I push the door open a tad, not to much, but from hearing the squeak from just pushing it open a bit, I know I have to open it in one go.

Like a bandaid.

I quickly open the door.

Like a bandaid my ass!

The door literally came off the hinges, making a Big Bang noise on the ground.

I let out a string of curses. Well if the robber didn't know I was here, he certainly knows now.

Picking up the door, and carefully placing it on the wall, so it doesn't fall and make a huge bang noise like it did the first time.

I drop my bag to the floor after successfully placing the door up straight.

I turn around, thinking it would be wise to check the kitchen first. I walk in and gasp when I see that no one was in there.

I wanted the sandwich god dam it!

On my way out, I grab a knife, but quickly put it back and instead swapped it with a butchers knife. I'm cutting someone's finger off tonight!

I once read some where this guy put human meat and animal meat together and sold it to his customers. Apparently they both taste like pork.

I'll have to find that guy and give him whoever's in my house, finger. You know as a cherry on top.

Ok this has gone down a deep hole.

Back on track, I check the backyard next seeing to how it's smack dead in the middle of the living room and kitchen.

No ones outside. Well I think, I ain't about to go into that very broken shed. The roof actually looks like it's about to collapse.

I then decide that instead of going into the living room, to go upstairs instead. I mean I was right I front of them, mind as well.

I go up the stairs, two at a time and next thing I know I'm at the top, checking each individual room, including the bathroom and closet.

After not seeing anyone besides the manikin head in the bathroom drawer, I head back downstairs.

No one is in the house.

I plop myself down on couch and flick on the tv. Flicking through the channels, I finally decide on watching Frozen. I bounce up and down in my seat from excitement.

"You still watch shows like this?"

A voice in the corner speaks out.

I jump and pick up my trusty dusty butchers knife and look around frantically for the owner of the voice.

Huh, turns out someone is in the house.

My eyes land on the older looking man. Immediately recognizing who it is.

Getting furious in a matter of seconds.

"What are you doing in my house?"

"What does it look like?"

"It looks like your trying to make yourself comfortable. I suggest not. I'm about to cut your stupid fingers off if you don't get out of my house."

"Can't a father see his own daughter once in a while?"

"Yes he can, but I don't see that in this situation."

"You wound me. Right here." He says pointing to his chest.

"I don't care. Get out of my house right now."

"Anyways as I was saying earlier, I need a favour." He continues completely disregarding my statement.

"And I already said no."

"Well that's a bummer."

"Get out." I say for the final time. Frozen long forgotten.

"No, actually I'm quite comfortable. As you see, I'm in need of some money."

"I don't care, I am not giving you anything."

"Well your going to care when I tell you."

"Tell me what?" I frown with confusion.

"I know about your underground fighting."


"So, I'll tell the police."

"Ok." I simply say.


I nod my head. Who are they gonna believe, a dumb idiot who gets drunk every night when he gets his hands on alcohol, or high when he can't drink?

Or are they going to believe a nice sweet beautiful, innocent little girl. Heck I'll flash them a boob if I have to. (I won't actually do that)

If you guessed the beautiful girl, then your correct.

Plus he's already on their record. From getting caught not only doing the above, but he once got caught abusing in public. By then it wasn't us but a innocent person walking down the path at a local park.

I sigh, "go ahead and try whatever you want, I really don't care. Especially about you. Get in your truck and reverse the hell out of my driveway, go as far as my life because I really don't want to be in your life let alone you in mine. So please just get out!" I voice raising toward the end.

"Fine, but I'll be back."

"Whatever just get the hell out."

Finally he leaves. But not before throwing one more look behind his shoulder right at me.

I guess I'll have to leave the door wide open until Chance gets back. I sure as hell won't be able to fix that.

I sit back down on the couch and continue form where I left off.

Oh Olaf, you crack me up you son of a chicken sandwich.

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