Taco Tuesday

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It's the next day after my falling off the bleachers fiasco and some people heard, but it's not that big of a deal because, A- it's not possible to blackmail me with that type of thing and B- it doesn't really matter.

I've done worse things to embarrass myself. Like the time in math, the teacher asked a simple question at the beginning of the year, it was supposed to be a joke but I blurted out 6.

The question was, 'what's 2+2'.

Let's just say I was afraid to step foot in that class for the next few days considering that was dumbest thing anybody could do.

Or there was the time I was in a rush to get outside for gym. We were playing Basketball and I wanted to be on the good team.

I ran out of the change room without any pants on. The whole school got to see my royal blue underwear with mini crowns on them.

That was two weeks ago....

So they have nothing on me.

I continue making my way to class when I bump into someone.

How I have literally no clue.

The hallway was complete void of people, I being only one of the few stragglers.

I was late for class again ok? Sue me. I'm a very slow walker.

"Uh, sorry." I muttered keeping my head down and continuing my way to class.

I don't even make it half a step before I'm roughly pulled back by the upper part of my arm.

I hiss in pain at the hard grip. That's when I look up to see, wait guess who!


"Let go of me Kayden!." I growl out.

"Hmmm let me think about that. Done thinking. No." And true to his words, he doesn't let go.

"I'm not kidding!" I say looking him straight in the eyes.

"I'm not ether. Now you better come with me before you regret it."

Afraid of what he means I allow him to painfully drag me to the storage closet.

He closes the door and locks it, as well as covers the window so nobody could see us. He then flicks on the light, blinding me temporarily from having standing in the dark for a few seconds.

"What do you want?" I ask, getting straight to the point.

"Well I want you"

"Pfff you know that ain't happening buddy." I say patting him on the chest.

He grabs my wrist, making me stop my actions. But he didn't let go, he only tightened his hold on them. I'm sure there's going to be bruises around them buy the time I get away from him.

"Kayden just leave me alone."

I wiggled my arms trying to get out of his hold, failing miserably. An idea pops into my head st that moment.

Play dead!

I then go limp and fall backwards, making him let go of my wrists, so that he could catch me.


I quickly stand straight up before hitting the ground. I turn to Kayden, kicking him where the sun doesn't shine, making him double over in pain.

I run to the door and try turning the door knob, key word, I tried. It was locked. My hands fumble trying to turn the lock.

"Bitch." I hear Kayden say behind me. But I ignore him, trying to get this old stupid lock to turn.

Just as I'm about to unlock it, a hand grabs my shirt pulling me back and unless I suddenly grew another arm out of my butt, it was Kayden's.

Pulling me to the ground, I hit my head on the corner of the wall, but I ignore the pain, push it away for later.

I get back up but again just before I reach the door, Kayden punches me across the face.

I look at him with disbelief and disgust. Both my hands are on my head now, one on my bleeding head and the other on my cheek.

"Y-y-you h-hit me?" I ask once I my shock slowly disappears.

"Uh, uh." He runs a hand through his hair.

He quickly turns around and unlocks the door fully and runs out, leaving me there still partially shocked. I stand there for awhile just staring out the door.

I was literally frozen in my spot until I feel something hot run down my face, I touch my cheek and feel a single tear, slowly more start to fall.

That's when I snapped out of it, walking out of the storage room and into the hallway. I start walking down the hall towards the nurses room.

I stop in my tracks when I hear my voice being called. I don't turn around right away, already knowing who it is.

"Kristen?" He calls again.

This time I slowly turn around. And almost immediately he comes towards me.

"Oh Kristen, it's ok, it's ok." I cry some more into his chest.

We stand there for a bit longer, me just hugging him, and him hugging me back.

He slowly pulls away, frowning as he looks at my head bloody and then my bloody hand, and lastly at my bruised face.

"Who did this?!" He demanded, anger lacing his voice.

"Did what?" I ask with my head down.

"Don't do this with me Kristen. Who in the bloody heck did this?!"

"Kayden..." I whisper but he heard it.

"I'm going to kill that bastard!" He fumes.

"There's no proof." I say quietly.

"So what I'm still going to kill him!"

"Don't. You'll just end up in more trouble."

"So what Kris, it looks like he tried to kill you."

"Chance there's no proof, if you kill him, you'll end up going to jail!"

"So what! At lesser we would know the truth."

"Chance you can't seriously be consider this, if you kill him, and you go to jail, I'll have no one left. No one!"

"Your right, I'm sorry."

"Just take me home please." I said, my eyes already drooping.

"If that's what you want."

I nod my head and he slowly helps me exit the school, and to the car. Eventually he helps me into the house and to my room.

Next thing I know, I'm dreaming about tacos.



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