Your here Now

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It's been a week and three days.

The man that came to us, was my father, or shall I say sperm donor.

He really was a psycho. Everyday he would come in, give us the crust of a piece of bread, and a half a cup of water. Then he would take one of us in and abuse us.

This would happen 3 times a day. I have no clue what would drive a man to do this type of thing.

But every time he comes in and leaves, I would listen to which way he walks after closeting the steel door. I would listen to the sound of another door opening and him walking away.

Every time he would take us out I would watch which way he took us, I would look at the windows and doors to get a hint on to where we were or if we could escape that way.

So far I've learned that we are in the middle of nowhere. But there are cars outside.

There was a plan already brewing but I couldn't act without knowing if it were to actually work.

My gun shot wound was definitely gonna get infected, the bullet was still in there. Everyday I feel a tad bit weaker from losing all that blood.

Me and my mom have been catching up in hushed whispers because e don't want them to hear.

Every night, (well I think it's night) I think about Logan before going to sleep, and I think about him every morning when I wake up.

I've told mom all about him and she wishes to meet him. I wish the same thing.

I told her about my underground fighting and a although her motherly instinct says it's not alright to be doing that, she's proud of how strong I've become.

I told her Grumble is still alive and she got really excited and even squealed. She really loved that dog.

The door opens and I'm ready for who it is.

My father comes into view.

"So, who is it today?"

We just starred back at him.

"I'm thinking, you." He points at me and motioned the two buff guys on each of his side to grab me.

They come and hoist me up of the ground and drag me out of the cell. Once again I look at my surroundings and look out the window to see if the cars but they are not there.


Two days ago they were there. Maybe it's like a schedule, every two days, there are cars.

Everyday there's new guards so maybe the cars belong to the guards who will be here in two days. I hope that's what it is.


It's been a month.

I now know why prisoners write their tallies on the wall. So they don't forget how long they've been in prison.

I find it harder to think of Logan because I'm starting to forget what her looks like from all the beatings I've taken.

But today I decided it was time to put my plan in action. I told my mom about the plan and she's ready to do it.

All I have to do it wait for them to come in


I hear the clicking of his boots as he nears the door.

I thought my dad was gonna come through the door with his two body guards of the day but instead in burst Chance and a crap ton of cops.

"Oh my god Chance!"

I spring to my feet but immediately fall right back down. But they come over and unlock the cell and Chance comes barreling in and crushes  me when he tackles me with a bear hug.

"My baby boy." My mom sobs from behind me.

Chances head snaps to behind me at my mom.

"Mom?" She nods her head.

He lets go of me and rushes over to crush her with a hug.

One of the cops, who's badge read Andrews, came up to me.

"Are you Kristen?"

"Yes sir." I croak out.

"Well you have just been saved and your father and every other man and woman working for and with him, have been arrested."

"Thank you. Thank you so, so much."

"No problem mam just doing my job."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Where's Logan?"



"He's outside, we weren't letting anyone else in besides us cops but your brother refused and went in before us. The idiot almost got himself killed."

I laugh. Of course Chance would do that.

I look behind me to see Chance still talking with mom, both of them have humongous smiles on their faces.

"Can you take me to see Logan?"

"Of course, can you walk?"

I shake my head. "I feel faint just standing up."

"Ok we will get a paramedic in here and he will bring a wheel chair in here."


He talks on his phone to someone outside to bring a wheel chair and soon enough a young man appears with one.

They lift me up on it and push me out the door and through the corridor. Pass some dead bodies from when they had to kill them because they wouldn't corporate or they killed themselves.

I emerge from the dark hallway and out to the bright world outside.

It takes a second for my eyes to adjust and when they do I see a bunch of cop cars, some fire trucks and ambulances.

I also see my friends, Logan's friends, (Seth,Grant and Raymond) And Logan's back.

With wasting a second, I get off the wheel chair, I do fall but then I get back up and I fall again, it really sucks when you get shot in the back of your leg.

But I get back up and rush towards Logan's back, when I reach him, I collide with his back and wrap my arms around his torso.

I bury my head in his back. He turns around in my arms.

"Oh my god, Kristen, I was so worried and I didn't know what to do, I tried going after the ugly car but they shit my tires throwing me off the road."

"It's ok, your here now."

"I know but this could've all been avoided if I didn't encourage you to go or if I had shown up before you. I don't know what I would've done if you died Kristen."

"I know, but I didn't die I'm right here, and so are you."

Although I should probably be in the ambulance right now and be rushed to the hospital because of the fact that I probably look like death walking and already feel dead. I couldn't care less, all I wanted was Logan.

I look up at him and look at his face.

And I said the first swear word ever since my moms 'death'.

"Wow. You look like Shit."


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The Bad Boys Badassजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें