Are you having trouble Breathing?

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It's been two days since the incident and the bruise on my face was only getting more noticeable. What didn't help was the fact that I have a fight tonight.

If I win, my prize would be 18,000 dollars, this was the highest bet yet and I couldn't just say no to that amount of money, even if my pretty face would have to be smashed up even more.

Logan had stopped to ask me if I was ok yesterday because apparently he and my brother have become best friends, since the time he's been here.

It's not a surprise actually, my brother is literally the guy version of me. Meaning he's the best of the best.

I told him I was fine and he said that he had to teach me to catch and throw a football very soon, not tonight because he said he was busy, I also said I was busy but I didn't tell him it was because I had a fight to attend.

But besides that, anytime I would see Kayden or make eye contact with him, he would would only just smirk and wink at me, then look away, either to the person in front of him, or he would walk away in the opposite direction.

That just made me more angry. Chance has given him the glare every time he would cross paths with him as well.

Suddenly hands were snapping In my face.

"Are you even listening to me?" Jade asked, mostly likely for the millionth time in the past ten minutes.

"Huh?" Was my response.

"Uhh, now I have to restart," Jade then begins again, "so like I was trying to tell you, this guy in my science class was recently paired to the person in front of me!"


"Meaning I get to look at his sexy head for seventy five minutes straight without him even knowing."

"You mean you get to look at the back of his head."


"Your impossible. Is he at least cute?"

"Oh ya, Zac Enron cute!"


"What do you mea-" she was cut off at the shrill of the bell.

"See you later alligator." I say to her.

"After a while crocodile!"

"Doubt that, sewer rat."

She gasps. "You don't mean that."

"Your right, I don't."

She sighs out of relief.

She really is weird, but she's my best friend.

The second bell goes as I'm slowly making my way to my next class. Nothing is unusual as I'm making my way towards my class.

When I do enter though, I'm surprised to see Logan sitting behind my assigned seat.

I raise my eyebrows in question as he shrugs.

As I'm about to start making my way towards my seat, the teacher stops me.

"Ok, miss Peck, that would be the thirty eighth day, you've come in late since the beginning of the year." He states looking at me.

I look back at him, "And tomorrow will be the thirty ninth!"

Everyone laughs, even he lets out a small chuckle.

"And What is your reason for being late miss."

"As I was making my down the hall, I seen some newborn husky puppies, stuck in the elevator. Of course any normal human being would of stopped what they're doing and would help them,

"And that's what I did, I saved nine puppies from being starved and dehydrated! Aren't you proud of me?"

"I would be if that were true."

"What are you talking about? Are you calling me a liar?"

"No miss, but I think next time you should make up a more believable story next time."

"What in my true story are you saying is wrong?"

"Well there's the fact that huskies can only have 5-7 puppies and there the fact that this school doesn't have an elevator."

I think over my story, than over the schools blueprint.

"Well then we need to have an elevator installed so that next time I'm late I can use this story and it will be believable!"

"Alright, just take a seat."

As I take a seat in front of Logan, I feel him shift in his chair and next thing I know he's right at my ear.

"I like a girl who loves dogs." He whispers in my ear before retracting to his seat.

I feel the blood rush to my cheeks when my face heats up.

I'm blushing? I don't blush ever, even when the kid back in grade two kissed me smack dab on the lips because he had a crush on me.

His name was Phillip by the way, in case you were wondering.

"Miss Peck, are you having trouble breathing?" The teacher asks, (I don't know his name, I don't show up enough to remember it)

"No I'm fine, thanks." I manage to squeak out.

"Are you sure, you can go get some water if you want." He offers and when I feel Logan start to kick at my chair, I take his offer and leave the classroom.

But not before catching Logan's smirk.


More on the short side, sorry.


Favourite number?

For some odd reason, mines 77.

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