Date Night- Part 2

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"So... how did the ugly ogre pick up a girl as pretty as you?" Seth asked.

Logan and Grant were in the back trying to get ahold of Raymond.

The diner were in, is owned by the three boys themselves. Logan used to be apart of it but since his family moved away, he hasn't been.

Before calling Raymond, they told me how they became the owners of this cool restaurant.

Apparently on one Saturday night, Seth said and I quote, 'Saturday's are for the boys', they were out smashing mailboxes, no word of lie, and it kind of got out of hand because they ended up, 3 hours (walking distance) away from Logan's old house.

At first they were thinking, 'oh crap' but then they decided to turn around and to try and get home because they were completely lost. Somewhere along the way, they found this abandoned place.

They decided to fix it up and next thing you know, it's the best burger joint in town.

Logan got part of the cut because he was one of the original founders but like I said, he moved away.

"I couldn't tell you because as you can see, I'm gorgeous!" I flipped my hair over my shoulder to be even more dramatic.

"Dam right bitch!"

We both laughed and talked a bit more until the two boys came out of the kitchen.

"So?" Seth asked.

"He's on his way."

"Knew it." Seth fist bumped the air.

Grant placed all of our orders on the table and took a seat with us.

By now, no one was in the diner, the boys decided to close up shop early because of our surprise arrival.

"Oh shit, what does everyone want to drink?"

"Orange juice please!" Was my immediate response.

"Yes come through! That's my favourite!" Seth cheered.

"No way!"

"At this point, Seth is gonna steal your girlfriend." I hear Grant whisper to Logan.

Logan chuckled and got up to get the drinks.

"So, how did you and Logan meet?" Grant questioned.

"His annoying butt wouldn't leave me alone."

"Really?" Grant asked surprised for some reason.

"Gurl, tell me about it. Ray and Grant don't agree that he's annoying, his face is annoying, his voice is, oh god dam his eyebrows are to. Like how on earth can he have perfect eyebrows while I'm over here looking like a got RuPauls next wig on." Seth goes all out.

I burst out laughing. I just met this guy and I'm already in love with him. Not romantically.

"Seriously, Seth, this is my first date with her and your already trying to steal her." Logan said.

"Wait a minute. This," he points to me then to Logan twice before continuing. "is only your first date?"

We nod our heads confirming.


"What?" We high ask at the same time, confused.

"Like your hot," he points to Logan. "And your more hotter," he points to me. "So how in gods name is this only your first date?"

"I told you, he was annoying at first."

"Ya because that's a reason."

I just shrug and dig into my food that was just placed in front of me.


"Alright guys see you later, and before you say anything Seth, yes I'll come visit, but you have to as well."

"Ya, ya whatever, you two go have fun on the rest of your date."

"It was fun meeting you guys!" I say before the door closes.

We had finished eating about an hour ago, but talked for the rest which I would gladly do any day.

Logan's friends are amazing people and I can see how they are a great influence on him. Although Raymond couldn't make it, something about his mom needing him, it was still fun.

But we had the rest of our date apparently to attend.

"Where are we going?" I question Logan as I realize we were steering away from he car and towards a dirt trail through the woods.

"To our next destination."

"Wow, that gives me exactly where we're going."

"Haha that's the point."

I pout realizing the fact that i was not gonna get anything out of him anytime soon.

We enter the trail and start walking, the only sounds would be the owls in the night along with the insects and the crunches from under our boots.

We walk for another two minutes when I start to see fairy lights, lighting up the rest of the trail, hanging off the trees.

Just past the trees you can see a bridge that leads to the other side.

"Wow." Is all I can say because I'm so speechless from how pretty and comforting it was.

"Were not even to the best part and your already amazed."

"What can I say, it doesn't take a lot."

He smiles at that and wraps his arm around mine and leads me along the path towards the bridge.

From here the bridge looks like it's made of of cherry wood because you can see the red from afar. You can also see black and gold designs going along the bridge to the other side.

We reach the start of it and below I can see ice.

We walk to the middle of it and stop in the middle of it looking down below to the ice rink where you can see children, adults and elderly people.

Children are laughing and couples are kissing and cuddling together.

"What are we doing here?"

"Well duh, we skating."

"I don't know how to skate."

He smiles, "Well your gonna have to figure out how because I'm not helping you." After Logan says that he walks away leaving me stunned in silence.

"Wait, actually?"

"Yup. I've played hockey in the past and I can skate just fine, but you on the other hand will have to figure it out."

He said it all with such a straight face that I almost fell for it. Almost. That is until he laughed.

"You should've seen your face!" He points at my face laughing obnoxiously.

I stomp my foot like a little kid and push last him, pick pocketing him in the process, and walk up to the front counter.

"Can I get a pair of skates, size 7 please."

"Oh course! That will be 10 dollars please."

I take a ten out and hand it over to the old woman on the other side and take the pair of skates she handed me.

Logan comes up to me once he sees I'm struggling to tie the skates up.

He quickly ties them expertly and walks away to go get his own pair, but quickly returns to me when he realizes he doesn't have his wallet on him.

"Hey did I leave my wallet at the diner?" He questioned.

I throw the wallet at his face hitting him square in the nose. I'm still frustrated with him, it was rude of him to make fun of me because I didn't know how to skate.

I stand up, wobbling on my skates and push past him towards the door to open the gate to get on the ice.

I reach it after almost falling six times.

I open the gate.

Well here goes nothing...


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