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Spider-man jumped off of All for One. While jumping back Spider-man covered him in a layer of webbing to incapacitate him.

Landing next to All Might and Grand Torino in his signature crouch, Spider-man spoke to his A. I "Hey, Karen, look for the kids. Make sure they are as far away from here as possible."

"On it, Peter."

From the hole in the ground, All for One began to pick himself up, using some level of effort to tear through the webs. "In all my years, I've never seen a quirk like yours, Spider-man."

Spider-man, All Might and Grand Torino all stayed silent as they watched their foe stand up.

Above them, a news helicopter was in the air broadcasting the event to everybody in Japan.

Tsuyu was watching at her house. She had her hands clapped over her mouth as she watched the TV. She was extremely worried about her boyfriend.

She knew he handled things like alien invasions and inter-dimensional vampires, but he had the support of heroes that put pro heroes to shame. Even with All Might there, she could already tell this was going to be a ruff fight.

"Please be safe, Peter."

Back at Kamino, All for One continued his monologue.

"I've always wanted All Might's quirk. Such unbeatable strength. At least that is what I believe until you should up. I was already impressed, afraid even when you managed to defeat my Nomu at the USJ."

Spidey simply shrugged, "Wasn't that hard. Fought some pretty powerful foes before that, and the thing was designed to kill All Might, right. Well, I'm not All Might."

All for One let out a slight laugh, "No, you're not, but you are a problem."

Without any warning, sonic waves were emitted from one of Al for One's many quirks. Grand Torino and All Might covered their ears, the attack wasn't supposed to hurt them.

Spider-man fell to his knees as the Venom symbiote shrieked in pain. Spider-man instinctively covered his ears to block out the sound but it didn't work.

Venom was trying to stay attached to his host. The sound was nothing like it ever experienced before.

From the safety of their homes, the people of Japan watched as Spider-man tried not to be separated from the monster that they saw. The sharp teeth, ear-splitting screeches, sentient goop similar to the Carnage Invasion. It all screamed villain to the narrow-minded society.

And that's what they would've believed about Spider-man if it weren't for all his noble actions and the current situation

Back at Kamino, Spider-man struggled to keep Venom bonded to him. The sonic wave was overwhelming to his enhanced senses.

Seeing that his ally was in trouble,
All Might charged at All for One to stop the sonic attack. All for One simply blocked the attack.

Spider-man cried through the pain, "Venom... get to the safety compartment... now!"

Venom didn't even hesitate. He got his slimy butt kicked by Spider-man more than enough times to know that he was more than capable of holding his own against this threat.

Spider-man was back in his red and blue suit. He now had non of Venom's enhancements to help him.

Breaking their arm lock, All Might jumped away from All for One. He then charged back at his nemesis with a Detroit Smash.

Their fists collided releasing a huge gust of wind. The two power titans struggled against each others' strength.

Seeing his opening, Spider-man charged at All for One from the side. He kicked the villain on the back of his leg, forcing him to kneel done in pain. Spidey grabbed All for One's leg to try and restrain him and keep him from getting back up. This move gave All Might all the leverage as he started to put all his weight on All for One.

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