Spider Teacher

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The next day Class 1-A enter their classroom.  They honestly didn't know what to expect from today. The previous day they learned that Spider-man was gonna start teaching at U.A.

The media was currently unaware of the truce between U.A and Spider-man. The reason for it was because U.A didn't want to repeat the media storm from when the news that All Might was going to teach at U.A.

Spider-man had already introduced himself to class 1-B the very same day, just before 1-A. Neither group was happy about how easily Spider-man defeated them.

Tsu was probably most worried about all of them. Peter had been training her in secrecy ever since she followed him to his first base. She was worried that they might slip and let something out. Though nobody could really see the worry she was thinking thanks to her calm expression.

The class entered their classroom waiting for Aizawa to arrive. Aizawa eventually enters the classroom, looking sleepy as all ways.
"Morning, class."

"Morning, Sensei."

Aizawa walks to the front of the classroom and begins. "As you all probably learned yesterday, Spider-man will now be teaching at U.A. The reasons behind this will still be kept under the cover and the fact he even is here shouldn't be talked about outside the school grounds. He'll be teaching you once a week, but may randomly show up to give you a small lecture."

As the rule-loving, super strict, class president that he is, Iida raises his hand to ask Aizawa a question. "Sir, why is Spider-man going to teach here. I am aware that U.A made a deal with him, but isn't it irresponsible to even let him anywhere near the building."

Aizawa answers in his tired tone "I agree with you Iida, but due to the rise in vigilantism he caused and most likely have the most control over the vigilantes, the school has decided that it would be best to have him on our side instead of against us. Also, speaking of responsibility, that is going to be his first lesson."

Before anybody could say anything, something red and blue drops from the vents above. Spidey lands next to Aizawa. The tired pro hero looks at the spider and said in a tired tone says "Couldn't you have used the door like a normal person. "

Spidey looks at the pro hero and says "And can't you get a good 8 hours of sleep like a normal person."

Aizawa just grunts and walks to his yellow sleeping bag and falls asleep almost immediately. Spidey looks at the sleeping pro for a few seconds before turning to the class.

"Ok... this is my first time teaching a class... but not my first time teaching a lesson on heroics, I can do this."

Spider-man claps his hands together and says "Alright let's begin the lesson."

One lesson later because I am too lazy to write a page worth of this.

"Alright class, that'll be everything for today. The only Homework I'm giving is for Bakugo to write this sentence 10 times."

Spidey turns to the blackboard and writes 'I will NOT scream 'Die' during every activity I do.'

Spidey turns back to the class "I'll see you all in a week or sooner."

Spidey walks out if the classroom. Class 1-A breaks into chatter.

"That was so much fun" Mina let out. A good portion of the class agreed. Spider-man was a fun teacher. Despite how serious the topic of responsibility was, Spider-man was able to make the lesson fun by throwing in-jokes and insulting Bakugo.

"Kachann is it true he took you down with a flick of his fingers," Izuku asks Bakugo.

Bakugo just grumbled. It was true. During Spidey's little introduction to the class the day before, Spider-man found Bakugo, threw some insults and when Bakugo shouted to Spider-man to stop playing games and to do his worst, Spidey just flicks his fingers against his head and knocks him out cold.

Understanding that trying to talking to him would be meaningless, Izuku turns Ochako who he saw looked pretty nerves during the entire thing and seemed to be keeping a low profile.

Midoriya asks her "Uraraka, what's wrong? You look nervous."

Uraraka jumps slightly at this. She looks at Midoriya and says "I-I-It's nothing Deku."

Midoriya just looks at his friend worried. He knew what this was about. The reason Uraraka was training to be a hero was that she wanted the money to support her family. This apparently went against Spidey's beliefs so she was scared of what could happen if he found out.

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