Hospital Visit

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Peter was now in his civilian clothes. He was heading back to the hospital to visit Midoriya, who took the most damage. He couldn't help but feel responsible despite not having much reason to. "Stupid Parker Pride," he mutters to himself as he enters Midoriya's room. 

When he enters he sees that a large number of class 1-A was already there, chatting with Midoriya.

"So, I'm guessing the secret summer camp was a bust." Peter jokes.

Everyone stops talking and turns to the door and sees Peter just casually standing there. He smiles and walks into the room.

"For those who I haven't met me yet, I'm Peter Parker."
He puts his hand forward for a handshake.

Tsu jumps towards him, pulling him into a hug. After a moment of shock, he hugs back.
"Glad that you're ok." Tsu whispers

"I should be saying that to you," Peter replies.

The two let go of each other and notice everyone staring. Peter answers their un-asked question by simply saying while scratching his head "We got together before you all left to the training camp."

They stood there in awkward silence. Peter could even feel that Venom was also finding this situation quite uncomfortable.

Peter breaks the silence by saying, "So about the camp, a real let down. Any ideas on how they figured out its location?"

They all looked at each other. Those who meet Peter out of the mask nodded to the others, silently telling them that he could be trusted.

Iida speaks up first. "We have no idea how they could have gained the location of the training camp. They took us by surprise during our test of courage, and that was after a long day of training our quirks..."

"So you were extremely tired. Yet you still managed to push through. You resisted and prevented the worst possible outcome. Sure Bakugo and one of your supervisors got captured, and a small handful got hospitalized, but it could be worse. At least no one was killed. "

"Wise words," Tokoyami says bowing his heads.

Many also nodded their heads, agreeing with what Peter said. Some even felt inspired by it. Inspired to get back put there and show the villains that they made a mistake ruining their summer camp. All except one.

Tears started to well up in Midoriya's eyes. Everyone noticed this and circled Midoriya to ask what's wrong.

"He was right in front of me. Kachan was just a few feet away. Yet I still failed. How can I call myself a hero when I failed to rescue someone who was right in front of me. If I did something differently maybe things would have turned out better.  Like, if I didn't stay to fight that villain and just ran away with Kota then maybe my arms wouldn't have been broken and I could've done something."

Peter lets out a light sigh. 'I swear, ever since I met these kids I've had to give them more speeches on being a hero than the number of suits Iron man has. Scratch that, he still has more.'

"That's not true. Even if you ran, we have no way to tell if things would have turned out any better. From what I gathered, that villain was Muscular. He is one tough cookie. If he was able to run free across the camp, he might have been able to attack the rest of the people at the camp and caused it multiple casualties. You can't save everyone, Midoriya. No one can. Not even All Might. But that doesn't mean you can't try. And if you can't, you damn well sure you can avenge them." He says, putting a bit more ferocity on the last part.

Everybody looks at him with some confusion on their face. Peter scratches his head awkwardly as he says "Sorry. That last bit has a bit of an origin that I can't get into detail right now, but my point still stands."

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