Remember this Message

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Tsuyu could barely concentrate during the Sports Festival. While Peter's training helped quite a bit, she was way too distracted.

Earlier that day she called Peter and asked him how he was. He informed her that he had a plan and not to scream his name the next time she saw Spider-man.

Tsuyu didn't exactly know what Peter meant by this but trusted him.

It was during the medal ceremony that all of Japan saw Spider-man's plan in action.

All Might has just finished handing out the meddles when suddenly the giant screen that was used during the festival started to glitch and go static. Present Mic tried to brush it off as some technical issues.

When the screen cleared it showed a familiar masked face with a web pattern really close to the camera. Everybody knew who this was. It was the vigilante known as Spider-man.

He tapped the side of the camera and asked "Hey, is this thing on."

This lets out a chuckle from a few people. Despite the fact that this could be a potential threat from the vigilante.

Spidey backed away from the camera and revealed that he was in what appeared to be in another warehouse. He sat down on a chair in front of the camera

To say Japan was confused was an understatement. Everybody was wondering why the world-famous vigilante. The one that no knew about and usually kept to himself was suddenly broadcasting himself onto a giant screen during the biggest event in Japan.

Spider-man clapped his hands together and said "So... you are all probably asking yourself as many questions. Like 'Why is Spider-man here? How did he hack that giant screen?'. Well, I'm gonna try and answer as many of those questions as possible. Which will be hard considering I can't hear any of you."

Everybody in Japan was watching this now. They had no idea why Spider-man was going such great lengths just to send some kind of message.

Class 1-A was probably most confused. They were there when Spidey made his debut. They saw how much he was capable of. They were all split on the topic of Spider-man. And now there he was, crashing the biggest event in Japan just to broadcast a message. Even Bakugo stopped fighting his restraints on the first place podium to listen.

"So, first I want to congratulate the winners of the festival for winning, and even if you didn't win you all did great and you're all fully capable of becoming heroes... but mister explosion has some serious anger issues he needs to figure out."

A few people let out a chuckle while Bakugo just started screaming again, muffled by his restraints.

Spider-man then continued, "But I fear how many of you truly want to be a hero help the innocent and protect the people you care about, and how many just want to become a hero for the money and fame. Just the other day I saw a kid being bullied by some jocks and I had to step in. And the worse part was that just across the street I saw a pro hero, too busy signing autographs to notice the poor kid's screams of terror."

Tears started to form in Spider-man's eyes, visibly staining the mask. People were shocked to hear Spiderman's story. They couldn't believe someone who was supposed to protect them didn't hear a child screaming for help because they were too busy with their fans.

Spider-man continued with his message "If I didn't step in... who knows what the kid would have become. If I didn't help the kid who knows what darkness would have corrupted his heart. You all have a great power, and with it, comes a great responsibility. Those are words I swore to live by. Words that make me who I am. But it wasn't all ways like that."

Everybody was paying close attention to Spider-man now. They had no idea what he meant by his words.

"When I first got my powers, I let them corrupt me. I used them to gain fame and money in wrestling. But when I was cheated out of some cash, and the guy who cheated me out was robbed, I didn't stop the robber. Not because I was scared, because I was selfish. I didn't think it was my problem, but I would soon find out it would be."

Spider-man turned from the camera to wipe some tears off his face. Now everybody was confused. Where was this going?

Spider-man turned to face the camera again and continued "Later that day when I got home, I discovered that my uncle was shot, shot by the same guy I let getaway. The same guy I could've stopped."

Everybody was silent. This bright hearted vigilante that nobody knew anything about was pouring his heart out for them. Telling such a depressing story to do... what?

"In ragged by what this man did to my Uncle, my father figure, I hunted him down. I tracked him down to a warehouse, and I was planning on ending it. On taking the same thing from him that he took from my Uncle. But when I saw his face, when I saw that I could have prevented all this, for the first time in who knows how long, I stopped to think."

"If I killed the guy I would have become as bad as him. If you kill a killer, the amount of killers in the world says the same."

"That day I learnt the true meaning of with Great Power, comes Great Responsibility. Basically, when you can do the things that you can, but you don't. Then the bad things happen..." He points at the camera "...They happen, because of you."

If everybody wasn't silent before they were now. Those who understood Spidey's lesson bowed their head in sympathy, while those who didn't look at each with confused expectations.

"And ever since that day I tried my goddam' hardest to make my home a better place, but all I got was the people's grief and was called a menace. No matter how many I saved. And then I was suddenly forced to come here with no will of my own. I tried to make the best of it, I tried to help people here while looking for a way home, and what happens?... MY FREAKING HOUSE WAS BLOWN UP!!!! IT WAS BLOWN SKY HIGH. WHY? BECAUSE I WAS ATTACKED BY THE POLICE AND FREAKING PRO HEROES. PEOPLE, WHO INSTEAD OF FOCUSING ON PROTECTING THEIR NEIGHBOURHOOD FROM SCUM, ATTACKED ME!!!"

Nobody knew what to say, this vigilante was hurting. He had wounds that would probably never heal. And while he tried to stop them from gaining the same wounds, all any of them did was add to his wounds.

Midoriya was already on one of his muttering storms, frantically writing in his notebook trying to update Spider-man's page while the vigilante said his view of things.

Spidey took a deep breath and continued "You know what also sickens me, the fact that so many of you favourite people with powerful quirks. Teachers, employers, even heroes. I saw so many cases of you all judging people by their quirk. It's not the quirk that makes the person, but it's how they use it. I've seen so many cases of unequal rights and bullying because of quirks. And then quirk marriages, those absolutely disgust me. I can't even begin to explain how much the idea of having kids just to get a powerful offspring is disgusting. It's even worse when you treat them as nothing more as tools to achieve your goals. So I'll see you fake heroes later. Bye."

Screen goes black

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