Pushed to the Edge - Sang

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I could tell that Luke was going to push the issue. I knew that he was the one person I could go to and he would understand what I was going through. Luke wouldn't judge me and most importantly he would believe me over Kate. But I could also see that he didn't understand why I had left the beach house. No one had ever sat down and listened to his painful truth and then declared that he was lying. 

That was a good thing, I would never wish that on anyone but I could tell that he couldn't relate to this part of my situation. I had learned the hard way to shut up and protect myself. That was what I was doing now. I didn't owe anyone my story and right now, I didn't trust anyone but Luke with it. 

"Your wrist needs to be looked at. Do you want me to call Sean or Dr. Roberts?" Luke asked while still gently examining my wrist. 

Dr. Roberts believed me. He had also seen me at my worst and had been nothing but kind and supportive. But I was too tired to be strong for that man right now. I needed at least a couple of hours of sleep before I put on my brave face for my family. And Kate's stupid words about Dr. Roberts being the one to call her in to finish my mission because I had failed, wouldn't leave my over crowed brain. 

I knew she was lying. That is what she did. Manipulated and schemed with the single goal of trying to hurt people she sees as weaker than her. And yet, here I was letting her get to me. Again. God, why wasn't I stronger than this. 

"Dr. Green," I finally said, figuring that Luke wouldn't let this rest until I had been treated. I knew from experience that my wrist was most likely broken. 

Luke took out his phone and spent several moments texting with blurring speeds, before he put his phone down and refocused his whole attention back on me. "So do you want to explain how we became proud new parents to this little guy?" Luke asked in nonchalant voice while petting the kitten and I understood that he was giving me my space. He wasn't going to push for answers right now. 

"I found her as I was leaving the beach house. She was hiding under someones car and just started following me when I walked by. Her legs are so short that she had to run to keep up and I felt bad for her and picked her up. I couldn't find any tags and she looks underfed, so I figured she was a stray. Once I got a good look at her, I just knew. She was meant for us," I told him but could tell that my voice didn't portray how important this was for me. I had thrown up my protective barrier the moment I had snapped out of my rage and I was doing everything in my power to remain behind it. 

"And her name is Koshka?" Luke asked. 

"Russian for cat," I replied in my emotionless voice. 

"Well, let's go get Koshka some milk and you another ice pack," Luke said and stood before helping me to my feet. Once I was stable, he took a moment to pull me into a much needed hug. I was just so tired. I leaned into Luke and drew as much strength from him as I could. 

Soon. I promised myself. I would be able to turn everything off and sleep soon. 

"I'm so fucking happy that you are here. Thank-you for coming to me Cupcake. It's going to be okay. We are going to get through. Together," Luke whispered into my hair and I couldn't help but believe him. 

Eventually, we pulled apart and Luke led me into the kitchen and sat me down at the large oval kitchen table. He went to the freezer and pulled out another gel ice pack and re-wrapped my wrist with gentle motions. Then he just sat next to me and held me. It was exactly the kind of silent support that I needed just then. 

Our peaceful contemplation was broken by the sound of a slamming front door and running footsteps. Before I even had the chance to sit up straight, Sean was kneeling in front of me and cupping my cheeks in his slightly cold hands. I scrutinized him carefully and searched for any signs that my joyful doctor had been tainted by Kate. I had no idea if Nathan was the only one to know her. No idea how long Kate had interacted with the Blackbourne team. No idea how far her poison has traveled. 

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