Blame Game - Sang

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I was dreaming about running through the dark forest as some unknown person or persons chased me when all of a sudden a snake darted its diamond-shaped head towards me and bit me in the thigh. Except that the pain from the bite was not contained to my dream and I was jolted awake. The pain was so intense and real that my body tried to scream, but because of my damaged vocal cords, only a sad fearful squeak left my throat. Then my bed came alive under my body and before I knew what was going on I was flipped onto my back so quickly that the air was slammed out of my lungs. 

"Sang Baby!" I heard someone call but I was having a hard time thinking past my brain's continued demands that I fill my lungs with air. My eyes were starting to water from my lingering struggles to take a deep breath but I did notice that everyone was quickly getting up from our impromptu sleeping arrangements and running towards the door. "Fuck, Sang I am so sorry but we have to go. I have to go. But I need to know that you are alright before I leave you," North said, panic lacing his tone. 

I finally got my lungs to cooperate at the same time that I finally understood that the shock I felt must have been a red-line. The guys were all running out of the door because someone was in trouble and needed backup. There was no way that I was just going to sit here, not knowing what is going on. I had enough of that kind of protection from my brothers. I was not going to let the Blackbourne team start treating me with kid gloves. I was an Academy member too and I was first aid certified. Maybe I could help. 

I reached out towards North and he didn't hesitate to help me sit up, but I used his closeness to push myself to my feet with my good hand. I bolted towards the door, following the trail of other Blackbourne team members, and spotted Luke sitting in the passenger's side of North's jeep, clearly waiting for his brother. 

"Sang!" North hollered at me, but I knew that we didn't have time to waste arguing about this. Someone was in trouble. I tried to think back at who I had seen running towards the door this morning as I hauled myself up into the back of the Jeep. North must have realized that forcing me to stay was going to take more time than he was willing to give because he quickly got into the driver's seat and pulled away so fast the back tires spit a spray of gravel towards Uncle's house. 

North was cursing under his breath but was more focused on the Google Maps on Luke's phone that Luke had attached to the phone holder on the dashboard. "Who is it?" I said, fear starting to settle into my bones. "Who red-lined?" 

"Silas," Luke answered and my heart skipped a beat. Not Silas. Not my Silas. "He reported that Mr. Blackbourne was shot in the leg by a sniper. They were surveilling Elite when someone started taking shots at their car. Mr. Blackbourne got clipped as they took cover. Silas is unsure if the shooter or any of his friends are still in the area." 

I felt the blood drain from my face as I digested the fact that Owen Blackboune had been shot. In my mind, he was damn near God-like and thus completely untouchable. It didn't make sense that he was hurt. It just didn't compute. I had experienced a world-shattering kiss with him mere hours before and that experience didn't want to give way to one of blood and bullets. But slowly, the truth started to sink in and it felt very similar to when I had almost died in Gabriel's arms at that construction site. All of the life was simply draining away from me. 

I hadn't known him for long, but I didn't know how to exist in a world without Owen. 

Luke reached back and I took ahold of his hand and clung to it as the lifeline that it was as North drove like a bat out of hell. I had no idea how much time has passed before the Jeep came to a screeching halt in front of a row of office buildings. Because I had slowed them down this morning, we were the last to show up so I had no trouble identifying what building Owen and Silas were in because Nathan was keeping vigil at the door. I sprinted towards him but North was faster and beat me to the door. North didn't hesitate to go down the half flight of stairs and through the solid gray door at the end of a hallway. I followed on his heels and the moment I crossed the threshold, my eyes collided with the pain-filled silver gaze of Owen Blackbourne.  

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