Baseball - Silas

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Gamisou, I can only hope that Sang never looks at me with as much cold anger as she is looking at Corey. I am sure it would shatter my heart if she ever looked at me like that. I knew from the conversation last night, not to mention what I had been seeing with my own eyes that the majority of by brothers had feelings for Sang - but for me it felt like more than that. I know that I haven't know her very long or even spent that much time with her, but a Greek man knows when he when he has found his allo miso (other half). 

What I was feeling towards the beautiful and strong girl sitting across for me was powerful. Life changing kind of power. I don't know if I can fully explain it - just that I feel that she completes me. My pappous always told me that when he met Ya Ya he never had a single doubt. That within moments of being near her, he felt whole and knew that they were meant to make a life together. 

That is how I feel now. I feel whole when Sang is in my arms in a way that I have never felt before. I know that we are somehow supposed to make a life together. 

But why in the world would an angel like Sang ever want to make a life with me? I was a failure. I had failed to protect my family. Even worse, I had made choices that directly hurt my family. And then the first time I ever held Sang in my arms, I let her get hurt. I failed to protect her then and I didn't know how to help her now. 

What did you say to a girl you just found out went through hell when she is mad about the fact that someone other than herself told you that fact. It was obvious that she didn't want to talk about it, but I couldn't not think about it. Not when he had just discovered what she went through just hours ago. This wasn't something you could just brush aside to focus on something else. 

Sang got up and announced that she was taking a shower. I let out a breath and rubbed the back of my neck. "Please tell me that I heard that wrong," Luke spoke into the newly quiet kitchen. Luke so rarely spoke these days that I had to double check that I hadn't imagined it. "Please tell me that you didn't go investigating into Sang's past after what she let slip last night," Luke said in a heated voice. This was the most emotion I had witnessed from him since Greece. And he was pissed. Like really pissed. Luckily he was directing his anger at his brother and not me. 

"Had to know," North grunted out like if he was stating that the world was flat. Pure, simple, fact. 

Luke clenched his jaw and balled his hands into fists. I saw North staring at his hands too and knew that we were both wondering the same thing; if he was finally going to throw a punch. I was the one that deserved it and had taken dozens of hits from North. But North wasn't the one that had been hurt by my choices. Luke was. Thus it was Luke's fists that I deserved. 

Instead Luke redirected his stare out the window and said in his ever present bland voice, "You have no idea what you have done." And that was the last thing any of us said until Sang returned to the kitchen with that stupid make-up finally washed off her face and her wet hair framing her face. She bent down and picked up a white haired kitten that had just appeared here last night and cuddled the lucky creature to her chest, whispering something that I couldn't hear into its fur. 

"Silas and I are going to take you to the hospital and get you all patched up," Sean said and I watched carefully as Sang's eyes darted first towards Luke and then North. She had made it very clear last night that she trusted them more than the rest of us. I could only hope that I hadn't lost so much trust that she would deny me going with her. She hadn't hesitated to let me hold this morning. 

That had done a lot to settle my soul. Just holding her calmed me down. Made me feel more grounded. 

"Okay," Sang finally said in a sure voice. "Uncle, thank you for breakfast. It was delicious as always. And thank you for letting me crash here for a while." So Sang was really going to stay here instead of the beach house? I wonder if I should offer for her to stay with me instead. I at least had a spare bedroom. Well I guess Uncle does have that office with the pull out couch, but Sang was healing. She should have a real bed. 

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