Cinderella - Sang

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Oh my fried green tomatoes. I almost just kissed Victor. Victor Morgan. Kissed. I almost just kissed a member of the Blackbourne team. Victor. I almost just kissed Victor. I couldn't help the goofy smile that spread over my face as I leaned against the wall in the hallway and pressed my hand to my chest in an irrational attempt to keep my heart from beating straight out of my chest. 

I don't even know how it happened. One moment I was giving him lunch and talking about going with him to the charity event, and the next we were so close. And he was looking at me like I was the most special and precious thing in the world. And I could feel the heat coming off of his flat hard chest and could practically taste what his lips would feel like against mine. Then the next moment he eased back and kissed my temple instead of my lips. 

But he said that he couldn't wait to see me tonight. I was far from being an expert on this subject, but that didn't feel like a brush off to me. No that felt more like a promise. A promise that we would pick up right were we left off. A promise that I was very much looking forward to. 

Did I have a date with Victor Morgan? The Victor Morgan?  

Oh my goodness. When did this become my life, I pondered and felt my crazy smile spread even wider. I had a date with Victor. 

"I am just about to die from curiosity," a teasing voice said causing me to jump a little. I looked up and saw that Sean was standing not four feet from where I was lost in my own crazy thoughts. "You have to tell me what has you looking like that. Because whatever it is, I am going to make sure that I do it every damn day of our lives," Sean said confidently. 

I could literally feel my cheeks heating, and had zero control over my lips as my deliriously happy brain answered his question without applying a filter. 

"I almost kissed Victor," I whispered with that same goofy smile. It was just too good of a feeling not to fully embrace and share with the world. A small part of me was worried about what Sean would do, because if I am being completely honest with myself - I also wanted to kiss Sean and didn't know how to process that. If honestly is what we are going for, kissing Luke, Gabriel, Silas, and even Nathan had also crossed my mind. 

Maybe my mind was broken. 

Or maybe I was just starting to realize just how incredible all of these guys were and can't help but be drawn to each and every one of them. 

Luckily, Sean didn't seem upset by my confession in the slightest. Instead his smile grew to mirror my own. "Did you now? My man Vic is stepping up his game, is he? Good for him." 

Hmm what did that mean? Did that mean that Sean was okay with me kissing Victor because he wasn't interest in me? That thought caused my smile to dim slightly and I mentally scolded myself. Victor was one hundred percent enough and any woman, including me, would be insanely lucky to spend even one night with him. And that is exactly what I was going to be doing tonight. Spending time with an incredible guy who said that he couldn't wait. 

While I was having an internal pep talk with myself, Sean had walked right into my space and when I looked up, our noses were only about an inch apart. "However, I cannot let my brother have all the fun, and I desperately want to be the first to kiss you," Sean purred, causing about a million butterflies to erupt in my stomach. 

What did he just say?

When I didn't respond to his outrageous declaration, Sean gave me a heart stopping side smile before running his hand into my hair. He didn't break eye contact as he started slowly pulling me towards him, giving me every chance to stop this crazy train before it left the station. But I didn't want to stop. I wanted to experience this moment with my crazy, joyful doctor. 

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