Two Sides of the Same Coin - Luke

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I had spent the last two hours and seventeen minutes tying to reach that blissful state of mind where numbness lives. I know it has been that long because I have watched every single impossibly slow minute pass me by, completely oblivious to agony tearing me apart one memory at a time. But reaching that state where I could withstand the weight of the world without blinking an eye was getting harder and harder to reach. 

My safe harbor was evading me. 

I was shocked out of my silent war with the clock by the sharp sting of someone red-lining me. A huge part of me didn't care. Another emergency. Another set of circumstances that had the possibility of leading us into even more pain, blood, fear, and unrepentant screams. But I wasn't quite enough of an asshole to ignore my brother's plea for help - not yet anyway. It was an active fight everyday to not to turn against my brothers. Indifference was a much safer emotion than love. You didn't put your life, body, and sanity on the line for people you were indifferent towards. 

I slowly pulled out my phone and watched the clock mark the passing of yet another minute before I looked down at the emergency group text message. 

Nathan: Sang is missing. 

Kota: Please elaborate. Victor reported that the Better Bets event was going great. Did he loose her in the crowd? 

North: What the fuck do you mean Sang is missing? 

Mr. Blackbourne: Need more information. 

Gabe: Just checked the rest of the fucking house. No sign of her. Her dress is in her room. A backpack and some of her stuff is gone too. 

Silas: I am on my way. 

Victor: Sang was completely fine when I brought her home. This has nothing to do with Better Bets.  

Doc: Someone PLEASE explain what is going on. 

Mr. Blackbourne: Mr. Griffin - Report 

Nathan: I brought this Academy bird home with me - have known her for a few years now and she tapped me when she was in town. We were on the couch making out when Sang walked in and just went after her. Punched her in the face point blank without any warning. I didn't know what the fuck was going on and Sang didn't even look like Sang. So I reacted and pushed Sang. She fell and when I tired to help her up she flinched away from me. 

Nathan: Then Sang was asking Kate what she was doing here and that she was going to report it to the council and Kate was saying that it was Sang's fault she had been called in and then Sang just walked away from us. I stayed with Kate and got her some ice for her face and tried to figure out what the hell just happened. By the time Vic got into the house, he said that Sang was just gone. 

North: You pushed Sang Baby?  

Doc: Was she physically okay when she left? She is still healing from a gunshot wound to the chest. 

Kota: What did Kate say when you asked her about the situation? 

Silas: Where would Sang go? Should I come to help search there or go somewhere else? 

Nathan: She landed hard when I pushed her and... I think I heard a snap. She was cradling her left wrist. And I hit her pretty hard dead center in the chest. She has to be in pain right now. 


Mr. Blackbourne: Mr. Morgan trace her phone. 

Victor: I can't. Too heavily encrypted. I can't crack it. We would need to bring in Corey - and I am pretty sure it is his coding. 

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