Rescued - Sang

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I had to struggle to wake up. My entire body felt heavy and my broken wrist was killing me. My eyes felt as if they were glued together and someone was talking very loudly and sounded very upset. When I finally was able to pry my eyelids open, the scene before me didn't make any sense.

I was in some sort of fancy sunroom or closed-in porch that I had never seen before. The floor was lined with dozens of different potted plants and there was a large circular table with a lazy susan in the middle of it in the corner. Adam was pacing the room before me, ranting about what a bitch I was, and I was tied to the far wall. A thin rope was tied around each of my wrists while the other ends were secured to the support beams at either side of the room, forcing my arms to be held spread out wide. When I looked past Adam, I saw a kitchen through large plate windows. Luke was handcuffed to a chair facing the sunroom and Mia was standing behind him, saying something that I couldn't hear.

"... thought you were a sweet little virgin and I was willing to play along at your slow ass pace. But that was a lie. Everything you said to me had been a lie. You aren't even a student. I checked the university records and they have never heard of Sang Butler. And don't even try to tell me that your real name is Ditya Kabir because that bitch doesn't exist either. You are such a fucking liar and such a slut.

"I thought that you were pure. But no. You are screwing like five different guys and they all fucking love it. Sick fucks. But that doesn't matter because you belong to me and I am going to make you pay for fucking lying to me. I am going to teach you some fucking manners. And pretty boy over there is going to be forced to watch. Maybe he might actually learn something," Adam continued to rant without even looking at me.

Being tied up by a crazy sexual predator should have me spiraling back into a panic attack. And I would be completely lying if I said that I wasn't scared right now because I was. I was downright terrified. And not just for me, but for Luke too. Mia had been doing her very best to hurt the Blackbourne team for over a year and if Luke had to sit idly by while Adam hurt me... It would kill him. Not to mention that he was defenseless against her right now too. But I held off the panic with sheer force of will for two reasons.

One, it wouldn't help the situation. If I lost my cool and started hyperventilating I would be giving up any trace of control I have left in this situation. And two, I hadn't hung up the phone with Axel when they had jumped us. Axel would have heard everything and would send help. In fact, I was betting that the only reason that he wasn't already here was that he was currently in a different state. I had zero doubts that my brothers and the Blackborne team would save us.

All I had to do was limit the amount of damage done to Luke and me until they got here.

I could do that. I would do that. I was a part of the Academy and had been trained for situations like this. Well, not exactly like this but if I could just keep myself breathing instead of panicking, I should be able to buy the guys enough time to find us and save us.

"Adam," I said in a hoarse whisper because my voice didn't seem to want to work right. But it was enough to get him to stop his pacing and finally realize that I wasn't out cold anymore. "What are you doing? Why am I here? How do you know Mia?"

Adam looked at me, like really looked at me and my skin started to crawl. How in the world had I convinced myself that he was a safe and normal guy? Right now he was being so blatantly creepy that it just made me feel naive. "What am I doing?" he drawled as his eyes lingered on the curve of my hip. "I am finally taking what I deserve. What belongs to me."

I so didn't belong to Adam and even the thought of such a thing was making it harder and harder not to panic, so I tried to steer the conversation in another direction. "But how do you know Mia? Where are we?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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