Dancing and Flip Cup - Gabriel

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A/N: Well we have cycled through each of the guys POV once and have been through some pretty serious emotional stuff with Sang and the Blackbourne Team. I think it is time to lighten things up a little and have some fun. I hope you guys are enjoying the story. Let me know what you think! 

-E.A. Baker 


The second that Nate took Sang outside to talk I headed straight for Vic to get some fucking answers. He was the one that had an entire background check and investigation on this Adam guy and I wanted to know why he hadn't told us how fucked up this dude was before tonight. I mean, shit! What would have happened to Trouble if Silas hadn't been with her today when this fucker confronted her outside of her apartment today? 

I knew that Trouble could take care of herself, but the point was that she didn't have to anymore. We were supposed to be taking care of her. Today we dropped the fucking ball. I mean North didn't even realize that we were being followed until Trouble said something. We really needed to get our heads out of asses and start stepping up. 

And I think I know just what this team needs to help out with that. 

We need some fun. Everything since Silas originally asked us to drop everything to help his uncle out in Greece has been too serious and so fucking painful. The brain could only work under that type of stress for so long before something had to give. Well tonight we were going to let our hair down and blow off some steam. Because we needed it. Trouble needed it too. 

God, Sang was like, fucking perfect. I mean what kind of girl in this day and age will just come out and tell someone like me that she loves me? Just thinking about it makes my fucking heart melt and my cock rock hard. The feel of her lips against mine. The press of her body. That fucking moan. 

Yup, I was rocking a hard on just thinking about it. 

I needed more. But I knew that I wasn't the only one. Luke had it fucking bad and I think the only reason that he hadn't taken things to the next level last night was because of what happened in Greece. Silas kept looking at Trouble like she hung the moon and I have never seen Victor light up like he does around Sang. The Doc kept fucking ranting about she was the future Mrs. Green and North was even more caveman than normal around her. 

Sang was good for me. But she was even better for us. 

There was a catch. I had talked to Brandon and Marc about their relationship with Kayli awhile ago because, fuck the idea of one girl and multiple guys was downright hot, and they told me that it was an everything or nothing sort of thing. Either all five of them had to be all in with her and she with them or it would never work. At first, they had to deal with her fucking a guy outside of their team and they said that it almost pulled them apart. 

So if I wanted to keep Sang I had two options. Option one, somehow get her to choose me over all of my brothers - and we all knew that was never going to fucking happen. Or option two, get all of my brothers to fall for her as hard as I have. I mean all of my brothers. 

Meaning that I had thee big obstacles to overcome, and they were called Nathan, Kota, and Mr. Blackbourne. 

I think that Kota was going to be the easiest. I saw the way that his eyes followed Trouble when she entered a room and how worried he was today when he couldn't blow off the meeting to make sure she was okay after her panic attack. I think the only thing really holding him back at this point was the stuck up bitch Mia. None of us really like that chick and we really didn't like her for Kota, but we were all too fucking considerate to say anything. If I had to guess one of us for Mia to be with, it wouldn't have been Kota. She was way too high maintenance for him. Mia was more in the league of women that Vic's parents set him up with. Kota so didn't care about the image thing and was happier cooking in than going out to some fancy fucking restaurant any day of the week. 

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