Chapter Ten

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Next thing I knew was the all too familiar feeling of pain paired with the softness of a bed in the hospital wing. I kept my eyes shut and groaned. I heard madam Pomfreys quick footsteps approach but they weren't alone. Heavier ones followed. I wondered whose they might be. Dumbledores? Snapes? I tried to open my eyes. It was hard but I got there eventually. As I expected I saw white. The white of the hospital wing celing.

Then a head came into my view. It was madam Pomfreys head. She had never looked more concerned. "Dear god Y/N! What happened? Why are your wounds so deep? And why did I find you half dead in the Shrieking Shack?", she asked me. I could only mumble "Other werewolve... no potion... fight... not his fault" Saying those few words cost me almost all of my energy. I sqeueezed my eyes shut again. At this point it was hard to stay awake.

I felt a huge gash bleed on my chest. It overshadowed the softness of the matress. "Yeah I am so sorry about that", the familiar deep voice of Remus Lupin said. I wanted to respond, but my body wouldn't let me, so I fell back asleep.

I spent a total of two days in the hospital wing. They were horrible days. Not only because of the painful healing process, but also because my friends didn't even know I was here. Madam Pomfrey usually kept me in a secluded room, so that even if someone I knew came in, they wouldn't see me.

My dad visited just before I was released. As always I told him about every litte detail. He was incredibly protective when it came to his daughter. Then he usually healed all my scars that could be healed. This month there were only two left. A short but very deep one on my left shoulderblade and a huge one my chest. It started at my right shoulder and ended just above my left boob. It stretched all the way across my chest and collarbone.

Sometimes my mum would visit too. But that was rarely the case as she was a busy woman. I didn't blame her. I knew that if it was somehow possible she would be there.

McGonagall waited in front of the hospital wing for me to be released. She did that whenever something happened during my transformation. Like one time I killed a centaur and she had to tell me.

"Miss Y/L/N! There you are. How are you? Let me walk you to lunch.", she told me. Lunch. That was exactly what I needed right now. Food and time with my friends. I only then realised that they hadn't seen me for three days. They must be worried.

On the way I told McGonagall about everything that had happened. Well, everything except for the part when the dog turned into a man. I still thought that I imagined that. Although those tatoos were somehow familiar. I shrugged it off. Food and friends were the only things on my mind right now.

I entered the great hall and stopped to look for my friends. It took a moment to find them. I plopped down on a seat next to Angelina across from the twins. "Hi", I greeted them. "Y/N! How are you? Are you alright? You look like shit! Did you sleep enough?", Angelina scolded me. I rolled my eyes trying to fake amusement. "Fine, yeah, I know, honestly no", I answered truthfully. The last two questions at least. The twins looked at me with concern and worry written all over their faces. "Wow I don't think I've ever seen you two worried. What happened? Did Malfoy threaten you with his father?", I chuckled. They both smiled at that which in turn made me just a bit better. I still felt like shit though.

I was excused for the rest of the lessons. If it weren't for that I would have excused myself from History of Magic with professor Binns. That class was so boring I could fall asleep. And sleeping was better in the dorms. That was exactly where I headed.

I got up to my dorm. I knew that I had about two hours to myself since Angelina still had Care for Magical Creatures and History of Magic. I threw myself onto my bed and thought about the dog man. Who was he? And why did he save me?

My eyes fell on a copy of the Daily Prophet, the most popular wizarding newspaper. Filling half the front page was a picture of Sirius Black. When I looked closer I saw it. The tatoos in the picture matched the tatoos on the dog mans chest perfectly. Did that mean Sirius Black saved my life? No, that couldn't be right, Black was a mass murderer after all. I decided to talk to McGonagall after her lesson tomorrow.

I noticed that I was still wearing my school uniform. I needed to change into something more comfortable. I walked over to my trunk and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. I changed into the sweatpants and took off my tie, blazer and shirt. Then I caught sight of myself in the mirror.

The scar I had felt form on my chest was more visible than I thought. It was still a shade of red, indicating that I was fresh. I turned and looked at the one on my shoulderblade. I move the bra strap to look at it. It looked the same, just shorter. I stared at my chest again. The long scar was fascinating, yet also terrifying to look at. It kind of made me look dangerous. I didn't know whether I liked that or not. I traced it with my finger and let the events from that night replay in my head.

I was so focused on my body that I didn't hear someone knock at my door. The person let themselves in without waiting for an answer. I didn't even notice them until I saw George Weasleys shocked face in the mirror. I tried to cover myself up but it was too late. He had already seen both of the scars.

The Prefect // George Weasley x female Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now