Chapter Nine

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I knew the way to the spot in the forest by heart. I had walked it every month for four long school years. Madam Pomfrey and I didn't speak a single word. We never did. She knew just how awful I felt. We reached the spot. A little clearing in the middle of the forest between Hogwarts and Hogsmead. I sat on top of the stone I always sat on waiting for the transformation to begin.

Madam Pomfrey came up to me and hugged me. Over the years and considering how much time I spent in the hospital wing we had become quite close. "I will come pick you up a litte bit later from now on. The other patient is older than you. So he need help sooner, ok?", she asked gently. I just nodded. "You can do this. I know you can." She gave me a last reassuring look and the made her way back to the castle.

I took off all of my clothes and folded them neatly. If I transformed with my clothes on, I would just tear them apart. The first few time it was incedibly awkward to stand in the forest naked. But you get used to it.

The first ray of moonlight hit me. And with that the transformation began. It's always an extremely painful process. I could feel bones grow in my body only to feel them break harshly afterwards. I could feel the way my face contorted into the one of a wolf. I could feel the fangs grow inside my jaw, eventhough there was no space for them. I could feel every single hair in my fur grow. I could feel the way my ears stretched out. It was just plain pain. I could feel nothing else. Just pain.

Once the transformation was completed, it felt better. Moving was still painful but by far not as painful as the transformation but still painful. The potion had worked. I was concious and had complete control over my body. It was a very weird feeling not controlling a human but a wolf body. I had to get used to all the different movements. Soon enough I was able to manouver the body quite well. The only problem was, that I felt a seething anger. I felt like I needed to hunt down some animals. But I didn't want to kill anything. I would just have to repress that feeling.

I wandered through the forest for hours on end. Exploring and looking while still remembering the way back to the clearing. Everytime a deer, rabit, centaur or any animal, magical or not, crossed my path, I had to look away as to not give in to the anger. I found a litte cave, just big enough to fit me. I didn't know why, but I was mesmerised by the mossy inside. It looked so peacful and calm. Maby that was the reason I sayed in there for what seemed like an eternity. When I left the cave I decided to make my way back to the clearing and then to head towards Hogsmead and the Shrieking Shack.

The Shrieking Shack was a supposedly haunted building a bit outside of Hogsmead. Nobody dared to go near there. Though there are no reports of haunings in the last 20 years or so. I still wanted to check it out.

When I approached the Shack there were indeed sounds coming from within. Shrieking pretty much described the noises perfectly. As I got closer I could destinctively make out dog barking. And another animal. I wasn't quite sure what it was. My Gryffindor courage overcame me and I entered the Shack. But before I could do so, the dog I had heard earlier came running out of the building. It was a back one with long dirty fur. As soon as it say me, it franctically began barking. And oddly enough I could kind of understand what it way saying.

I think is was because dogs are descendants of wolves. But in that moment it didn't matter because of what the dog was trying to tell me. "Run!". Before I could ask why I should leave the answer followed the dog.

Suddenly another werewolve towered over me. Its fur was lighter than mine and it had a lot more scars and wounds than me. When I looked into its eyes I could clearly see that this person had most certainly not taken any Wolfsbane potions. The rage and anger in its eyes was so intense it made me shiver. And I didn't even know wolves could shiver.

The dog continued to bark at me. "Run!", "Leave!", "You have to go!", "Please!". But I was frozen on the spot. The problem was that the bigger wolf now attacked me. One strike in the chest, one strike in the face. And I fell to the ground. Suddenly all I felt was pain. Nothing else. No anger, no rage just pain. The dog came running towards me, bit my leg and dragged me into the shack. My vision started to get blurry.

I could make out the first rays of sunshine. I felt even more pain as my body started to transform back into human form. I saw the other wolf collaps next to me and transform back as well. It took me a great deal of energy to turn my head. And what I saw confused me like nothing else.

The dog had also transformed into a human. But this human didn't seem to be in pain at all. It was a man in ragged clothes with long hair and tatoos on his chest. The second werewolf was an man as well. But this one was familiar. The last thing I rememberd were the two big scars across this mans face.

The Prefect // George Weasley x female Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now