Chapter 20

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On December 24th, Hogwarts students were even more restless than usual. Everyone was excited for the Yule ball and I saw numerous students making bets on whether or not their friends would score a kiss. I really hoped there weren't any bets on me and George. We would just go there as friends, right?

While the students were excited, the teachers were annoyed. Nobody paid attention in class. The few people that wanted to, couldn't as the others were way too loud. I had gotten a terrible headache by lunch. All the classes in the afternoon had been cancelled, which I highly appreciated since we would have had History of Magic and Herbology.

I arrived at the great hall starving. I had skipped breakfast because I had overslept again. Big surprise. Sitting down next to George I grabbed some chicken and pumpkin juice. "Someone's hungry", Angelina said amused, wiggling an eyebrow. I just rolled my eyes at her. We started discussing what to do this evening. Angelina and I would get ready and the twins would wait in front of the great hall. Then we'd proceed to dance and get drunk. It was a great plan in my opinion. Especially that last part. Fred had persuaded some seventh years to buy us two bottles of fire whiskey. Knowing the twins, they could probably drink a whole bottle each and only be tipsy. But I also knew that Angelina could get drunk off of two butterbeers so that balanced it out.

Sitting in the common room, waiting for evening to arrive, I had simultaneously the best and worst idea of the day. "Guys, let's pregame!" "Sure. What do you want to do?", Angelina asked with a grin. "Truth, dare or drink?", Fred suggested. We all agreed. While George went to get a bottle of whiskey, the golden trio entered the common room. I waved them to us. "Hey, you guys wanna play with us? George is getting some fire whiskey", I asked. Harry and Ron were eager to join but Hermione held them back. "No thanks, we're not old enough.", she said while dragging her friends across the room. I could hear Ron complaining.

Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas had appeared behind them. "You still have room for two more players?", Seamus asked in his irish accent. I looked at my friends, they nodded. "Sure, just sit down in a circle.", I ordered and they obeyed. Just then, George came back, bottle in hand. "Well, well, well, look who joined us. Rules are the same as truth or dare, but if you don't wanna do the dare or answer the question you gotta take a sip.", he said sitting down. And thus the game began.

"Dean, truth or dare?", Angelina asked. "Hmm, truth", Dean answered. We had been playing for a while now. Since we all weren't afraid of making a fool of ourselves, nobody had really drunk anything. Only Seamus and Angelina had taken a sip instead of answering really personal questions. "You got a crush on anyone?", Angelina asked grinning. Dean blushed and nodded.

Now it was Seamus' turn. "Do you really accidentally blow stuff up or do you sometimes do it for shits and giggles?", Fred asked the younger boy. I mentally cursed myself for not coming up with such a good question. Seamus laughed and answered "90% of the time it's really an accident but I've done it on purpose more than once". "I knew it!", I exclaimed cheerfully, which caused everyone to laugh.

The bottle spun around and came to a halt. "Who is the lucky girl you got a crush on?", Seamus asked Dean, wiggling his brow. His classmate blushed again and reached for the bottle. We all watched in disappointment as he drank. "Actually, it's not a girl at all", he muttered quietly but we all heard it. Everyone stared at him for a moment. "Why didn't you say something earlier? I've been trying to get you a girlfriend for months! Now it makes sense why it didn't work!", Seamus almost shouted. "Don't think I gonna stop now. I'm determined to get you a boyfriend." Dean laughed, seemingly relived that we didn't make a big deal out of it.

We had been playing for hours now. Fred had run around the room pretending to be a chicken, Dean had described his dream husband and Angelina had given us her best impression of Snape. It was hilarious. "Y/N, truth or dare?", Dean asked. I thought for a moment. "Truth", I said eventually. "You're boring. Okay, so sometimes you're gone for a day or two. Where are you going?", he questioned curiously. Shit, I should have seen it coming. "I have a close relative in muggle prison. I visit him once a month.", I shrugged. I prayed to Merlin he would believe me and not ask any follow up questions. Dean nodded contently but George didn't seem as satisfied. Was he suspicious of my excuse? Why? Had he seen or noticed something? Had Hermione let something slip? I remembered the day he walked in on me changing. He had seen all of my scars. Did he put the pieces together after that DADA lesson?

Angelina looked at the big grandfather clock in a corner of the common room. "Guys this game is fun and all but it's already 4:50. The ball starts at 6. I need to get ready.", she said. Fred rolled his eyes. "You need an hour to get ready, darling?" "I still need to shower", she explained and left. "I have an idea", I said and drew my wand. Seamus and Dean watched in amazement how I flicked my wand and summoned four floating hip flasks. I looked a them and shrugged. Two more flasks appeared and floated towards the third years. A last flick of my wand and the fire whiskey bottle began filling up each of the six containers on its own. Putting my wand away I plucked the bottle out of mid-air and drank the last sip. "You have to teach me that!", Seamus said with wide eyes while I got up. "Sometime sure", I chuckled "But I need to shower as well. See you later boys!" I grabbed my flask and followed Angelina to our dorm.

Angelina took really long in the shower. By the time I entered the bathroom after her, it was filled with steam. I put my outfit on the counter next to the sink. She hadn't seen it yet and I was curious for her reaction. She'd probably freak out and compliment me for hours. I smiled on that thought and stepped into the shower. I showered and dried myself quickly. I put on the purple dress and realized that I had no idea what to do with my hair. I tried out a few different styles, but ultimately went with not tying it up at all. I battled with myself for a moment whether or not I should apply make-up. I decided on a bit of mascara and nude lipstick. After finished my look I turned to leave the bathroom. I already had my hand on the door when I remembered something. Concealment charm. I quickly cast it and all the scars on my neck, chest and arms vanished. I sighed and finally left the bathroom.

Just like I had predicted, Angelina completely freaked out. "Oh my god, Y/N! You look amazing! Everyone is gonna look at you!", she screamed. I laughed and looked at her. Her red, tight dress complimented her dark skin and figure perfectly. Silver high heels made her even taller than she already was. I suspected that she'd be as tall as Fred now. Like me she had also chosen to not tie her hair. All in all she looked stunning. "Hey could you keep my wand in your purse?", I asked as I noticed a small silver purse in her hand. "Sorry but I think it's too small for two wands" She gave me an apologetic smile. "May I?", I asked and pointed my wand at the purse. She nodded and I said "Capacious extremis". Nothing changed. I took the purse out of her hand and put my wand and both our flasks from before in it.

Angelina stared at me. "How?", she asked confused. I smiled "Extension charm. My mum taught me it." "How are you that smart?", she asked smiling. I shrugged. "Shall we?", I said and we left our dorm. Hermione was waiting in the common room. She was wearing a gorgeous blue dress. After a few compliments we left the common room and made our way to the great hall.


Authors Note

You can see Angelinas dress in the picture above. I think it would suit her. Also I know that in the movie Hermiones dress is pink, but the book describes it as blue so I went with that.

Alex :)

The Prefect // George Weasley x female Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now