Chapter Five

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I woke up at 8:50. Shit. Of course I overslept on the first day of classes. I was never so fast to change into my uniform. I brushed my Y/h/c hair just briefly. Thank god I had prepared my bag yesterday evening. I grabbed it and hurried out of my dorm and through the portrait hole. I sprinted down the hallways. Why was this castle so goddamn big? I praised Merlin for my good sense of orientation.

I came to a halt in front of the DADA classroom and checked my watch. 9:04. That must be a new record. I breathlessly enter the classroom. To my surprise the teacher wasn't here yet. I thanked a higher power.

Keeping my eyes on the floor I rushed to the nearest empty seat, which happened to be next to the twins. They didn't even notice me. They were intensely discussing something and writing on a piece of parchment. I peeked over their shoulder. Scribbled on the sheet was a plan for their quote 'Welcome back, bitches' prank. Apparently they wanted to make stink bombs but were stumped on how to get into Snapes potion storage room. "No Freddie, we can't sneak out at night. You know the professors are more thorough in the first few weeks.", George reminded his brother.

Then I realized something. Snapes closet was in the dungeons in the east wing. As a prefect I was scheduled to patrol exactly that area Thursday night.

"Boys, I think I can help you with that." My comments made the both gasp in surprise. Fred quickly tried to hide the parchment but it was too late. "Hey there Y/N. When did you get here?", he asked nervously. I laughed. "About a minute ago. So... Snapes potions closed huh?" I laughed at their horrified faces. "N-no. What would we want there?", George asked, his face red as the Gryffindor emblem. "Getting material for your 'Welcome back, bitches' prank?" I laughed tears at their expressions of pure horror and fear. They were obviously horrified that a prefect just found out about their prank.

"Did you know that one of my prefect duties is to patrol the hallways? I even get to wander around the dungeons at night.", I grinned knowingly. At first the twins were confused but then they understood. "No! You wouldn't!", George exclaimed, making a few other students turn around. In this moment the door opened and the professor entered the room. "Yes, I would. I fucking love your pranks.  Thursday night. 10 to midnight.", I explained. Before the pranksters could say anything else, I focused on the new DADA teacher.

It was the wizard that had shared the train compartment with the golden trio. Ash blonde, short hair fell into his light blue eyes. Stretched across his entire face were two huge scars. I noticed a few smaller ones on his neck and under his sleeve. My werewolf smell told me he had chocolate stored somewhere. 'Funny', I thought to myself. 'Scars and chocolate, just like me. Maby he's a werewolf too.' But I quickly discarded the thought. He was a Defence against the Dark Arts teacher after all. So it would make sense to have some scars. And honestly, who doesn't like chocolate?

"Good morning everyone! Apologies for being late I had to discuss something with the headmaster. Anyways my name is Remus Lupin and I will be your Defence against the Dark Arts teacher this year" His voice was rough and deep, yet had something soothing to it. I liked it.

Professor Lupin concluded the lesson on Grindylows. Nasty little sea creatures. I could already tell that he was a good teacher. He explained the things so that even Crabbe and Goyle understood it and that meant something. I got up and packed my bags. I hexed my bag pocked sized with a spell I had taught myself over the summer. I put the mini bag away and turned to leave the classroom.

My eyes caught the two familiar redheads. They were both grinning at me with a crazy sparkle in their eyes. I walked up to them. "Listen, I changed my mind. I'll help you under two conditions. When McGonagall asks you, I know nothing. You somehow snuck past me without me knowing. Second, you'll tell me every little detail about it afterwards. Especially how Malfoy pissed his pants, ok?" They both looked at me and said "Now those are conditions we can get behind". I smiled at them and then left for muggle studies.

The next two days were uneventful. I found that Snape was still an asshole and McGonagall still loved to shower us in homework. I had to help a few lost first years here and there find their way to the great hall or tell Gryffindors the password. Especially the forgetful Neville Longbottom. Just as I expected.

What I didn't expect though, was the twins taking astronomy. My jaw dropped when I saw them in the first lesson of the year. It was a pleasant surprise as they were the only ones I knew in this class. The probably only took it so they had an excuse for being out of bed at night. I couldn't blame them.

The Prefect // George Weasley x female Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now