Chapter Seven

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Tomorrow. Tomorrow was the day I had dreaded so much for the last two weeks. Tomorrow was full moon. I couldn't concentrate in class, which McGonagall didn't like but understood.

"Until next lesson you will write a roll and a half of parchment on the dangers and risks of human transfiguration. You are dismissed", she announced. The class responded with a loud groan. The teacher shook her head and sat down at her desk. As everyone started to pack their things, I slowly got up and cleaned my quill. "Miss Y/L/N! Please stay behind. I'd like to talk to you in private." The professors voice startled me a bit but I continued to pack away my things. I hexed my bag small, put it in my pocked and approached the head of my house. I didn't see the curious look George shot at me.

"Ma'am you wanted to talk to me?", I asked. "Ah yes", McGonagall said, checked if everyone was gone, then proceeded to lock the door and cast a silencing charm on it. "Miss Y/L/N... Y/N. I belive you are aware that tomorrow is full moon" Her voice was soft. I nodded silently finding the floor very interesting to look at. "Good. Are you familiar with the Wolfsbane potion?", she asked. My head shot up. "The potion that keeps werewolves from becoming senseless monsters?", I ask curiously. The professor smiles. "Exactly this one. Well, you see professor Snape was so kind to agree to brew a Wolfsbane potion for you every month from now on."

I was extremely happy but also very confused. "But why now? I have been like this since my first year here. And he still doesn't even like me", I stated. There was a moment of silence. "How do I put this? There was a... change... you are not the only one with this... problem at the school anymore. I can't tell you anything else.", she said slowly. I stared at her in disbelief. There was another werewolve at the school? Another person with the same problem as me? I absolutely had to find them!

I checked my watch as I left the transfiguration classroom. I thought for a litte while then decided that I could sqeeze in lunch before heading down to the dungeons to watch the twins get killed by Snape. So I walked off to the great hall.

A medium-rare steak, mashed potatoes, a few cups of pumpkin juice and a brownie later I found myself in the moving staicase. My destination the potions classroom.

Just as I entered the right hallway I saw the two pranksters huddled together behind a statue of a knight. Both of them had a stink bomb in one hand and their wand in the other. They spotted me, and Fred started to count down with his fingers. I also drew my spruce wand and cast a spell to protect myself from the awful smell I could already smell through the hallway. I didn't even want to know how intense it would be if two of these bombs went off.

When Freds countdown hit zero he and his brother rolled the bombs through the open classroom door grenade style. We waited for them to go off. At this moment I realized, that I could somehow tell the twins apart. George just seemed to glow a bit brighter as his twin brother. As soon as the bombs exploded all we could hear were screaming and swearing Slytherins. The first one to run out ouf the smoke filled room was of course none other that Draco Lucius Malfoy. He coughed as if this life depended on it. His facial expression was incredibly hilarious. I had to make sure he didn't see us and when I had the chance I took the twins by the hands and we ran for our lives.

Somewhere on the 7th floor we stopped. We looked at each other and then burst out laughing. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. "Did you- Did you- Did you see Malfoy?", George said between fits of laughter. I could just nod. All our faces were red as tomatoes. "Yeah- Oh Merl- It was- absolutely- worth every second- of detention we're gonna get, Georgie", Fred tried to comment. We stood there laughing for a good five minutes before we calmed down.

"Boys that was abolutely amazing" I had a proud smile on my face as I gave both of them a high-five. I looked at Fred then at George. We held eyecontact for a few seconds but it felt like hours. I don't know why but I couldn't look away. No I didn't want to look away. It was Fred who ruined the moment. "Hey brother dearest, what are we going to do about the smell though?", he asked, sniffed the end of his robe and contorted his face in disgust. George just shrugged at him. "You dumbasses didn't cast a spell to protect youselfes?", I asked. They both shook their head. "Do I have to help you two again?", I asked grinning.

We arrived on the 5th floor, north wing. I lead them to a big painting of a bathing wizard. "Password?", the painting asked with a high pitched voice. "Squeaky clean", I responded. The painting swung open and I turned to my friends. "Ok so here's what's gonna happen. You two will take a bath. And I will get your clothes clean ok?" They both nodded. "We owe you", they said simultaneously. I sighed entering the prefects bathroom. "That you do"

The Prefect // George Weasley x female Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now