Chapter One

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Tomorrow was the day. The day that I would finally return to Hogwarts. Don't get me wrong I love my home and my parents. But being at Hogwarts... it's just different. I couldn't wait to see my friends again.

I was so excited that I laid in my bed, unable to sleep. I turned to look at the clock. 1:27 am. Damn, I really needed to get some sleep. Well, no actually, I could just sleep on the train. I gave up on trying to fall asleep and got up. I walked to my already packed trunk, trying to not wake my parents up. I picked up the letter that had caused my summer to be so much better.

Dear Ms. Y/L/N,

we are pleased to inform you that you, alongside Mr. Cornfield, have been selected as this years new prefects.

You will be informed about any responsibilities and privileges on the Hogwarts Express.

You are also required to wear you prefect badge, which you can find in this envelope as well, on your school uniform at all times.

We hope to not have made a mistake in choosing you.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

A part of me still couldn't believe it. When I had first read the letter, I hadn't been able to think about anything else for hours. My parents had been so proud of me. Their only daughter would be a prefect. They had been so happy. Especially my dad as he used to be a prefect as well. Just in Ravenclaw and not Gryffindor like me.

I put the parchment back in the trunk and closed it. I glanced back at the clock. 1:34 am. I still couldn't sleep so I decide to read a bit in one of my new school books. I grabbed the first one in my reach. Coincidentally it was the new Defence against the Dark Arts book. DADA has always been my favorite subject. I wondered what the new teacher would be like. I thought for a little bit, the decided to make a bet with my best friend Angelina Johnson about how and why they would leave.

I flipped through the pages. From the first few chapters i gathered that this year was going to heavily focus on dangerous magical creatures. My heart dropped to my stomach. I anxiously continued to read. I froze and stared at page 394. 'Chapter 53: Werewolves'. No, no, no, this couldn't be happening. Not this bloody year! What if someone finds out? Then I'm done for. Shit.

My mother is a famous auror. She is in fact so good, that some considered her to be competition to Mad-Eye Moody. Of course that means that my family has a lot of enemies on the dark side. When I was 8 years old, my parents took me on a trip to a cabin in the woods. We stayed there for a few days, but on the last day we were attacked. My parents protected me as best as they could, but one of the deatheaters still got to me. I don't know her name, but she was a werewolf. She bit me and turned me into one as well. My mother sent her to Azkaban where she died a few months later. Ever since that day, I've had to deal with painful transformations every. Goddamn. Month.

I've never told anyone. Only my parents and I knew. I've gotten pretty good at hiding it. All my peers think i have a close relative in muggle prisons, that I visit every month, so they don't get suspicious. As for the scars, I am lucky to have a talented healer for a father. He can't get rid of every scar of course, but at least of the ones on my face.

A knock on the window pulled me out of my train of thoughts. I jumped a little bit and realized, that it was just my owl returning from one of his nightly flights. I opened the window to let him in. The pitch black owl landed on my shoulder and I pet him. When I opened his cage, he looked at me as if saying 'Really?'. I gave him a sad look. "You know I have to, Moon. Now get in and get some rest.", I whispered. He took off and settled inside the cage.

Suddenly I felt very tired so I put the book back into the trunk and threw myself onto the bed. The good mood I was in all summer had vanished. I tried to not think about what I had read and soon fell into a dreamless sleep.


Authors Note

Yes, I know in the books the third years learn about werewolves in DADA. But I'm not creative enough to think of something else. And besides it ties into the story well. So take it or leave it, in this book the third and fifth years learn the same things in DADA.

The Prefect // George Weasley x female Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now