Chapter 26

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Fred POV

My mind was racing as I ran back to the castle. Y/N was a werewolf. Why didn't she say something? Why did she lie? How long had this been going on for? I heard her howl behind me. It sent shivers down my spine and I picked up my pace.

I sprinted through the corridors, not caring if I got caught. Miraculously, I didn't. I had to talk to George. He needed to know. I stopped in front of the poritrait hole to catch my breath. I could hear the music from the still ongoing party through it.

He deserved to know. But could I... should I be the one to break his heart like that? The fact that the girl he liked had been lying to us for who knew how long would crush him.

"Are you going to enter or not? I'd fancy a good nights sleep", the Fat Lady complained. I huffed the password and entered. My eyes immediately seached for my twin. I found him laughing with Harry in a corner. As I approached him I noticed several empty bottles of butterbeer on the table between the two.

Harry greeted me drunkenly. George grinned and said "Freddie, where were you? You missed the best part of the party!". I could see that he wasn't completely sober which oddly enough relived me. It meant I had an excuse not to tell him. He noticed my concerned expression and furrowed his brows.

"What happened?", he asked worriedly. "I'll tell you tomorrow, when you and Angelina are sober", I said, deciding not to ruin the fun. "Speaking of, where is she?" Harry giggled and pointed to the middle of the room.

Angelina was dancing passionately and everyone was watching her. I could tell from the distance that she was wasted. I walked up to her and grabbed her arm. "Time to sober up, darling", I simply said and dragged her to my dorm.


The first thought that came to my mind when I regained conciousness was 'Please, let this be another bloody nightmare'. Unfortunately the feeling of a soft matress and sterile smell of the hospital wing told me otherwise.

My eyes fluttered open slowly. Madam Pomfrey stood bent over me. "Ah, you're awake. Good", she said and performed a few healing spells. "What time is it?", I groaned as I tried to sit up. "You just missed dinner. Do you want me to get a house elve to get you some?", she asked worriedly. I polietly declined.

"Okay, just tell me if you change your mind. Oh, and Mr. Weasley... one of the twins wanted to speak with you. Claims to know about your condition. He's waiting outside with your two other friends. Shall I go get them?" She shot me concerned looks. I groaned again and threw my head back into the pillow, which caused pain to erupt in my neck.

"Best to get this over with quickly. Yeah, let them in, please", I said. While she left to get my friends I sat up and mentally braced myself for the conversation that would follow.

The door to the little room opened and soon enough Angelina, George and Fred surrounded my bed. "Y/N! What happened? And why did Fred say you have to tell us something?", George asked worriedly. I looked at Fred sadly. He crossed his arms and gave me a look that said 'You tell them or I do it'.

Angelina noticed and looked confused between the two of us. "What is going on?", she said suspiciously. I knew that there was no point in lying. It was better that they heard it from me rather than from him. I gulped. This was happening.

"I uhh... I need to tell you something. You know when I leave to visit that relative in muggle prison? That is a lie. There is nobody in prison. I leave because it's a full moon on those days. What I'm trying to tell you is that I am...", I started, fiddling with my fingers. I couldn't bear to look at my friends. Suddenly I found my blanket very interesting.

"I am a werewolf", I finished. I'd rather have them scream and shout at me than the eery silence that followed. "And I'm deeply sorry for lying to you for all those years", I added.

I looked up to see Freds expression unchanged, Angelina looking like she was about to burst into tears and George staring at me emotionless. A single tear made its way down my face. Angelina turned on her heel without a word and left, Fred following her, presumably to comfort her.

I looked into Georges eyes. They usually held a sparkle, which all of a sudden had vanished. Instead the brown was dull and didn't show any emotion. "How long?", he asked quitely. I swallowed the lump in my throat "Since I was eight", I said slowly.

"Why?", he asked, refering to my lies. I could tell that he was hurt which made me feel worse if that was even possible. I didn't have an answer to that. When I didn't reply he turned around and left without another word.

After that there was no stopping the tears. I could barely cast a silencing charm on the door before breaking down completely. Violently sobbing and crying I buried my head in the sheets.

I had just lost the three best friends I had ever had and simultaneously fucked up any and every possibility of there being more between me and George. Merely thinking of his expressionless face made me cry harder.

I didn't eat or speak a single word for the rest of my stay at the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey had never looked so worried. She had tried to force me to eat something, but my appetite was nowhere to be found.

When she let me go eventually, I trotted straight back to the common room. I made a point to reach my bed as fast a possible, earning concerned looks from Hermione. I really hope she would't try to inquire to me about it.

The next week was a strange one. Angelina was inspired by Catherine Tracker and only entered our dorm when absoloutely necessary. I assumed she'd be spending her time with Fred and George.

I tried to distract myself from my lonelieness but there was only so much homework to do and i didn't want to go to the library in fear of running into someone I knew.

Once again I laid on my bed in an empy dorm and stared at the ceiling. I had found that I had the ability to think about nothing. A knock on the door pulled me out of my trance.

I could smell vanilla and lavender with a hit of spearmint from outside. The smell unmistakeably belonged to Hermione Granger. "Y/N?", she asked gently. I contemplated whether or not to answer her. "Y/N, I know you're in there. I just want to talk. I'm worried about you"

Again, I didn't answer. I just wanted to be alone and wallow in self-misery. When she said "I'm not leaving until you let me in" I groaned and sat up. With a wave of my wand the door opened just a crack.

Hermione entered and her eyes widened a bit at the sight of my puffy red eyes. She sat on the foot of my bed and gave me a weak smile. I knew that I would not be able to return it, so I didn't even try to. "Y/N, why are you locking youself in here?", she asked gently.

I pulled my knees to my chest at stared at them. I sighed and answered with a croaky voice "They found out. Fred followed me last time. And when I told them in the hospital wing they..." I couldn't finish my sentence. Tears were streaming down my face once again, like the had too often in the last days.

Hermione understood and moved closer to me. She seemed at a loss of words and therefore proceeded to pull me into a tight hug. I couldn't blame her. If I was in her situation, I'd have absoloutley no idea what to say.

I sobbed into her jumper, not caring about it. It felt good to have someone who didn't ask questions. Someone who didn't immediately turn their back on me as soon as they found out what I was. Someone who was simply there for me when I needed them the most.

It shattered my heart in a thousand pieces to know that that someone was neither of the people I considered my 'best friends'.

The Prefect // George Weasley x female Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now