Chapter 16

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After an hour and a half I had bought all my christmas presents. My dad would get a book on muggle anatomy seeing as he is a healer and has always been interested in muggle science. For my mum I bought a new magical camera because photography was her hobby. Angelinas present was a little moving figure of Viktor Krum. She had a crush on him as much as she had a crush on Fred. And Hermione would get a book on advanced charms. The only presents left were those for the twins. I planned to pay Zonkos Joke shop a visit later on.

"Where to next Y/N?", George asked carrying a few bags in his hands as we stepped out into the snow. I was holding a bunch of bags as well. I smiled at him. "You know what? I don't have a dress for the ball yet. Why don't you go warm up in the Three Broomsticks and I'll go buy one", I suggested. He pouted playfully "And why can't I go with you?" "Cause then there will be no surprise!", I smirked at him. He agreed, said goodbye and walked off towards the pub. I headed off in the opposite direction. After a bit of searching I found a store named 'Clara's clothing and elegant attire'. Jackpot.

I entered the store. It smelled like vanilla and lavender. It was a soothing smell. The store consisted of one big room, a few fitting rooms and some storage units behind. It felt cozy. The bigger room was filled with all sorts of wizarding clothes. Some normal robes, quidditch attire and I even spotted some muggle clothes. One entire wall was coveres in white dresses, all different models. The wall opposite was covered in white suits and dress robes for the men. I looked at dresses more closely. Did they only sell white ones?

Before I could wonder more a tall, skinny wizard approached me. "Hello and welcome to Clara's. How may I help you?", he said in a high pitched voice. "Uhmm hi. I'm looking for a dress to wear at a ball? I would really appreciate a professionals opinion.", I told him. "Ah yes for the Hogwarts Yule ball am I correct?", he asked. I nodded and he continued "Well I'm sure Clara the owner will be a better help than me. Just a moment please." And with that he disappeard into one of the storage units.

A few moments later a short witch emerged from the same unit and approached me. "Hello my name is Clara. I'm the owner of this store." She extended her hand towards me. I shook it. "I'm Y/N pleasure to meet you.", I replied. "The pleasure is all mine. So Taron said you were looking for a dress for the Yule ball is that right?" I nodded in agreement "Yeah that's true. I almost never wear dresses so I have aboslutely no idea what I should pick. Please help me", I said with begging eyes. "That's exactly what I'm here for.", she reassured me warmly.

We stood in one of the fitting rooms. "So let's get started. First of all: Is there anything you absolutely do or do not want you dress to have or to be?", Clara questioned. I thought for a moment. I'd love to have a sleeveless dress but that would reveal all of the scars I was so desperately trying to hide. But I wanted one so badly. I made a compromise with myself. I'd allow a sleeveless dress but it had to reach the floor. "Yeah actually. I'd love a floor long one if thats possible.", I told her. "Absolutely no problem. Do you want it to be skin tight or more on the puffy side?", she continued. "Let's try tight", I said. With a flick of Claras wand on of the white dresses appeared. She directed it to float in front of my body. "How about you try on this one here and then you tell me how you feel.", she suggested. "Ok", I replied and took the dress. Clara left to give me some privacy while changing. The dress had long sleeves, a slit on the side and was floor length. I put it on. It was too big for my tiny body.

I stepped ouside. Clara looked at me and flicked her wand again. I felt the dress shrink to a fitting size. She looked at me frowning. I was visibly uncomfortabel which she noticed. "You look uncomfortable", she noted. "Yeah I feel like I'm kind of trapped and every move will tear it apart.", I agreed. "I see do you want to try another skin tight dress? Or do you want something more loose?", she asked. This was the first skin tight dress I had ever worn but I already knew I hated them.

I tried on a bunch of other more loose dresses until we found the one. The top was tight but the skirt fell loosly to the floor. The whole dress was laced with flowers. I put it on and looked at myself in the fitting room mirror. It did reveal the big scar on my chest and a few ones on my arms. I cast a concealing charm at them. They instantly became invisible. The spell only lasted for a few hours which was why I only used it if I had to wear something that wouldn't cover all the scars. But this dress was absolutely worth it.

I stepped outside with a beaming smile. Clara looked at me. Stunned she flicked her wand to make the dress the right size. "Honey, you look amazing! What colour do you want?", she asked and I replied with "Purple, please". Another flick of her wand and the dress turned from white to purple. It looked even better. Clara gasped and flicked her wand a third time. The whole dress started sparkling and the lace flowers began swaying as if there was a breeze moving them. I looked at myself in the mirror unable to look away. This was the dress. This was the one.


Authors Note

You can see Y/Ns dress in the picture above. If you don't like it feel free to imagine another dress or a suit. I personally would go for an all black suit.

Alex :)

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