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"He did what!?" Lily yelled and suddenly everyone in the halls were staring at us.

"Yes Lily, he kissed me" I gushed blushing.

"Oh Merlin! Where's Remus? We have to tell him at once."

"I'm sure he already knows but let's find him." I grabbed her arm and we ran around the castle looking for him. It took us a while but we spotted him messing around with my boys. "Remus! Lily and I need to talk to you. Alone preferably."

"Hi there, sunshine" Sirius winked and I smiled.

"Hello, Siri. How are you today?"

"Couldn't be better, sunshine." He smiled back and moved to hug me but James stood in the way.

"Evans" he nodded at her. "Little sister, how are you today?"

"Lils, do you hear something?" I smirked at her.

"As a matter of fact, I hear this annoying buzzing noise. Maybe a hex will do the trick." She smirked back and took out her wand. "You give the order, Jade."

I lowered her wand and smiled sickly at my twin.

"Don't Lily, let's not stoop to his level. He needs to learn his lesson and I know just how to do it."

"And how's that?" He rolled his eyes.

"By winning of course. Although, now that I think of it, I've already won James! And you're so stupid that you haven't noticed it yet." I laughed.

"And how did you win?" He glared at me.

"Figure it out, James. I'm tired of telling you what to do and how to think. This is why I'm the smarter twin." I rolled my eyes and looked at Remus. "Rem, you coming or what?"

He nodded and stood up grabbing his stuff. We said goodbye to the boys and I winked at Sirius who smiled big.

"So what did you want to tell me?" Remus asked us when we were finally alone.

"Looks like our plan didn't work, Remus. She had one under her belt the entire time." Lily smirked.

"As if. I was going to execute the plan but Sirius apparently had something up his sleeve." I looked at Remus who was confused. "He kissed me, Remus. Sirius kissed me."

"WHAT!?"he looked at me wide-eyed. I nodded and he had to sit down. "How did that happen? When did it happen? Why? Where? Does James know? He better not know Jade, at least not yet. Oh Godric, he's going to kill Sirius when he finds out. And you're telling us this now? Is that why Sirius was smiling like a mad man just now? So many questions Jade and I'm not hearing any answers."

Lily and I laughed at his reaction and sat down next to him. I sat down on the floor in front of him trying to calm him down.

"How? He just kissed me, I don't think you want the details of that. When? Two nights ago when I was going to execute the plan. No, James doesn't know and you better not tell him or else I'm gonna have to kill you right now. James won't kill Sirius, I'll make sure of it. Yes I'm telling you know because I couldn't tell you when James was around you idiot. And yes, that's why Sirius was smiling like an idiot just now." I tried to answer all of his questions and snap the shock out of him.

Remus just sat there looking at me wide-eyed not saying anything.

"Remus, say something." Lily nudged him.


"Wanna shout a little louder? I think there are some people in the Slytherin common room that didn't quite hear you, Remus." I hissed. Lily facepalmed and hit him with a book.

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now