16. Christmas Surprise.

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Elle POV

'Hey Dad?' I called as I walked through the front door of my family home. It was a Friday afternoon and Christmas was just around the corner. My dad had hung all the family ornaments around the home and the tree sat in its usual place in the corner.

My favourite holiday!

As usual, Christmas was at the Flynn's and June had been working around the clock to prepare her usual feast. Given that it was almost Christmas, most of my patients were set for the holidays, I was delighted to know that most would be having happy Christmas's and those who were still in hospital were either heading home or being discharged for the day to spend with family and friends.

Most of my Christmas shopping was done, I only needed to finalise a few things.... but given what I learned today, I think this present was enough.

'Elle?' Dad called back as he came down the stairs from the study, pulling off his glasses. 'This is a surprise!'

I smiled as he I met him at the foot of the stairs and accepted the hug that he gave me.

'What are you doing here?' he asked as I followed him into the kitchen. My nose wrinkled at whatever was cooking away in the oven and I hoped that I was able to keep my stomach at bay enough to not throw up.

'I was in the area, actually', I shook my head as my Dad turned to the coffee maker but I motioned to the fridge for water. The pamphlets of what I could and couldn't eat where left in my car, along with all the vitamins I had to take plus a black and white photo that I somehow needed to work out how to introduce Noah too.

Yep. I was pregnant.

Even though Noah and I had been talking about starting a family, but honestly I didn't expect it to happen this soon or that fast. I had just wrapped my head around the idea of being someone's Mum and now I am actually going to be someone's Mum.

'I had the afternoon off and I thought I could swing past and grab something from you', he nodded as he passed me my water and poured coffee into his favourite mug.

'What do you need?'

Here goes.

I took a deep breath as I stared at my hands, I could feel the sweat underneath my palms. 'You know how Mum gave you a stack of letters to give to me at important moments....I kinda need the one she told you to give me when you found out you were going to be a Grandpa'.

I raised my eyes to my Dad's face and watched as he processed the words. It was silent for about 30 seconds and he tried to make sense of what exactly I had just said. The moment where they did process and he realised what I was saying, a massive smile broke out onto his face.

'Your pregnant?', he asked and I nodded.

'Elle!', he exclaimed as he walked over and enveloped me into a hug. He held me tight as I relaxed into his arms as he pulled back for a second, but then pulled me back in.

He pulled away again as he took my face in his hands, 'Are you feeling alright?'

I laughed as I wiped away the tears that were leaking from the corner of my eyes, 'Nausea comes in waves. You're the first to know. PLEASE don't tell anyone. Noah doesn't even know yet...'


'I just came from the doctors. Everything is okay. I'm only a few weeks, but they are happy with how everything is looking. I just need Mum....before I tell Noah', I sighed as my Dad smiled at me.

'This is very good news, Elle. Are you sure your okay?' Dad asked as he patted my hand.

'I'll be better when I tell Noah. I think I'm still in shock', I laughed shakily. 'Best Christmas present we could get, I guess'.

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