10. Dear Noah,

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Dear Noah,

If Mike has passed this letter onto you, then I can only assume that you have finally had the courage to face my husband and ask him that most important question that any young man will have to ask of his future father in law. I have no doubt of what Mike's answer will be, however I can't promise you that he will have given you an easy time and may have made you sweat a little.

I would have loved to have been there to tell my husband, 'I told you so'. I was right about you and Elle from the very beginning. Call it a mother's intuition, but there were things that I saw that made me realise that maybe Elle just wasn't 'Lee's best friend' to you or she wasn't just 'the little sister you never had'.

Although you have given your Mum and Dad many heart stopping moments from time to time, you were never a bad kid Noah. Maybe you thought Elle deserved better? Maybe you thought you were not good enough.

Noah, you were never a bad kid. Yes, you made some bad choices and you never thought about the consequences BUT you were not a bad kid.

I watched you as a little boy grow into a handsome young man. You constantly watched out for my daughter and I could see your smirk as she, time and time again, put you back in your place. Even though Lee is her best friend, you bring out a side of her Noah that I don't even think she realises she possessed.

With Lee - she laughs, she jokes, she is free.

With you, Noah - she learns, she watches, she grows and she is confident.

You make her take that leap that she is always hesitating to take. I heard you tell her once, 'don't think, just do'. Promise me that is how you both will continue to live your lives? I don't want Elle to be sad. I don't want Elle to worry when there is so much fun to be had. Remind her of the past when she needs to be reminded, but pull her back to the present and make her excited for your future together.

I wish I could be there to watch all this unfold, but you both will be surrounded by our families to help you through these exciting times. Not every moment will be easy, and you both have short tempers so you WILL clash. But, never let her go. No matter how hard it gets. There is always an explanation and both of you have come far enough to not give up on this so very easily.

Make her yours forever, Noah.

Know that Elle is special, she is one of a kind and never let her go.

Lee is lucky enough to call her his best friend, but you will be lucky to call her 'your wife'.

Your Mum and I always dreamed that our families would be linked together, we just didn't know that this would be how things would unfold. I miss you Mum more than anything and wish I could celebrate with her - I'm sure she is ecstatic and I know she will be there for Elle, when Elle wants me there the most.

As a mother, all I ask is that you love, protect, guide and support her. I have no doubt, Noah Flynn, that those requests will not be a challenge.

I wish I could be there to hug Elle, but I leave that to you.

Welcome to the family, Noah.

All my love, Joni xx

Noah POV

I watched Elle as her eyes moved from left to right as she scanned the letter. She was quiet as she sat up in bed to read. I heard her sigh pausing for a second before folding up the letter and putting it back in the envelope.

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