14. Mr and Mrs Flynn.

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Elle POV

Life did return to somewhat normal after the wedding. We went on our honeymoon and when we came back we jumped straight back into work and life. Because we were already living together – it wasn't too different. Noah just constantly walked around with a big smile on his face.

I couldn't believe that it had come and gone as quickly as it did. All the months of planning, and it flew by. The video was on its way, but we had seen some pictures that the photographer had sent through and I'm so glad we chose who we did.

There were moments that I couldn't even remember, but they had been captured – Noah's look first seeing me walk down the aisle, my Dad wiping away a tear, Dad and June sharing a dance together, me leaning against Noah's shoulder at the end of the night. There were so many moments to relive and so many to see for the first time. I couldn't wait until wait until we got them all back.

It did take me a little time to get used to writing 'Elle Flynn' instead of 'Elle Evans' on pretty much everything, but it became normal soon enough.


'Tell me everything', Lexi gushed as she sat down on the sofa for our session. I laughed as I placed the flowers she had bought me down on my desk and grabbed my paper and pen. It had been a tough week for her and her Mum had warned me that she wasn't doing so great, but she was excited to see me and hear all about the wedding. A welcome distraction from the constant worry of a possible phone calls in the middle of the night.

I plopped down in my chair and swept my hair behind my ear as I looked over to her. She had definitely grown over the last few months. I had known Lexi for a while and she no longer looked like a little girl, there seemed to be maturity about her – one that was made far too soon for unwelcome reasons.

'Tell me about your week first, Lexi' I prompted and I watched as her shoulders fell.

She shook her head, 'I'd rather not. Honestly. It's just been a really, really rough week and I just want to hear about your happily every after....'


'Please Elle. Happy first. Then sad....', she begged as she crossed her legs and pulled them up onto the couch. Lexi was a big believer in 'happily ever after'. She loved Disney films growing up and the thought of the Prince and Princess living together – yes, there were obstacles but they could be overcome and everything would be sunshine and happiness. That was the world that Lexi grew up in and unfortunately, that was not the world her reality was made up of. I put the notepad and pen down as I grabbed my phone, opening up an album before passing it to her.

'Where do you want me to start?', I conceded as she grinned.


'Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Mr and Mrs Flynn',

I smiled as we were met by a massive round of applause and showered with rose petals. Our families were the first to envelop us in hugs and kisses. My hand was encased in Noah's the entire time and he wasn't letting me go, as June pulled me into a hug while sobbing.
I watched as Dad gave Noah a handshake before he smiled and pulled him into a hug. Noah gave Brad a hug, while Brad gloated to anyone that would listen that he now had a 'brother in law'. Lee laughed as kissed my cheek and clapped hands with Noah.
The Evans' and Flynn's were in their own little bubble for a while; one word constantly repeated 'Family'.


'You ready?', I whispered as Noah and I stood up from the table. He shrugged, a nervous smile playing at his lips as we weaved through the tables and headed towards the dance floor.

Dear Elle,Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora