11. The Dress.

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I dedicate this chapter to all the past, present and future brides. It's true what they say, when its THE dress - you just know. xx

Dear Elle,

This letter won't be long, as you're coming to see me this afternoon from school and I'm not sure how much time I've got until you get here. I'm slowly making my way through my letters to you and this is one that didn't cross my mind until now. It won't be long, but it will be important.

When a girl gets married, a majority of the time it is not only her who is super excited to start dress shopping, it can mean the world to other members of her family too - mothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, cousins and friends. Most of the time they are there to offer support and guidance and work through what the bride thought she wanted versus what she ends up finally choosing.

I wish I was there with you, to help you choose, but you are surrounded by people who love you and know you. They will be there to help you. You won't be in this alone as you figure out what you want versus what you like.

This next part may sound cliche, but when you know - you know. You will make the most beautiful bride no matter the dress you pick but THE DRESS, will make you smile. It will make you feel confident. It will be the one that you can't get out of your mind no matter how many you try on. It's the one that will make people stop.

Go in with some ideas but be open to suggestions.

When I married your dad, I had heaps of people telling me what to do and how to do it. In the end I didn't want to look back on my wedding day and wonder 'what if.....', I wanted to be able to tell my future daughter 'that was it, and that is what I chose'.

If you have the time, take the time but remember what I said - when it's right, you'll know.

When you are ready, your Dad has something for you from me as something old, borrowed and blue. Know that I am with you through all of your preparations and doing what I can to make it the most special day.

You will be the most beautiful bride.

I love you, always.

Mum xx

Elle POV

'Hello?', I called as I walked through the front door of the Flynn family home. I closed the door behind me and headed down the hallway. Nothing had really changed over the years, the house was still as welcoming as ever. A few more photos lined the walls and mantle pieces, but it was still the same. I walked into the kitchen to find June, preparing dinner.

'Hey, darling girl', she smiled as she looked up from what she was cutting. It was Wednesday night which meant 'family dinner' night. From what June had ladened on top of the benches, it looked like she had gone all out as usual. It was still a little early and none of the boys were home yet. I had kind of planned it this way, taking the afternoon off from work. I had told Noah about what I was thinking and he agreed - best to maybe do it alone without his Dad or Lee around.

The wedding plans were well under way, with Noah and I settling on a date in spring. Giving us just under ten months of time. It had taken a lot of thought and preparation but we were finally able to decide and lock in our dream reception. It had sounded crazy when Noah suggested it, but nothing else fit when we looked. We had already incorporated the 'Kissing Booth', so why not continue the trip down memory lane?

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