2. Summer and Surprises.

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Dear Elle,

It's hard to believe that you would be all packed up, ready to go off to College and I'm not there to see you off or give you one last hug. The photos and posters pulled down from your walls, your bed made - all ready for when you return next. Boxes piled high at your door....although I'm sure most of them will be in storage rather than going with you. You never were able to let anything go. Everything meant something to you.

I hoped that you enjoyed the memories as you packed up your favourite quilt, your photos and the little haven that you made your bedroom to bed.

I still remember when you had to move out of your nursery, when we needed to make room for Brad. That was your room. I didn't know how to make it up to you - there was a new baby coming and I didn't want to make any more changes and make you more upset.

It wasn't fair.

Remember how upset you got that there was a new baby coming? You packed up your cars in your little pink luggage and screamed that you were going to stay at Lee's. It wasn't until Noah convinced you that having a little brother was cool, that you decided you maybe didn't want to leave us.

So, I forced your Dad to paint your room blue, your favourite colour, and I tried to bring as much of the beach as I could. It was your own little paradise - your haven.

I watched as you went from a little girl with toys all over the floor, to a young woman with magazines and makeup and now I hope your dorm or apartment will reflect the same.

Make it yours. So, before you leave - take my favourite sweater, take a shirt of Dads and grab a shirt of Brad and Lee's.

They will miss you but there is nothing sweeter than being reunited with someone after so long apart. Your family is only a plane ride away and it's okay to be homesick.

Take the things that will make it a home, not just a place for you to study and sleep for the next four years. Take what you need to remember.

I hope your last summer was memorable and I know you're nervous about what lies ahead of you - you and Lee never liked change.

Again, it was always Noah who was encouraging you to not think - just do. There will be always someone there to catch you, regardless.

So go, dive into College. Your new friends. Your classes. Everyone you know and love will be  waiting to catch you but more excited to watch you grow.

Call it a mother's intuition, but I think you'll be just fine and I don't think you'll be doing this alone, anyway.

I love you and I'll always be with you,


Elle POV

I dusted my hands off as I shifted the last box closer to the door. My room was currently organised chaos - things were everywhere and the room was not neat, but it was organised. Things to go up to storage in the attic, things that needed to be shipped to Boston and things that I was taking with me to organise into my new dorm room when I got there.

I ran my hands through my hair, I really needed to take a shower.

Summer was drawing to a close. I could hear my Dad and Brad downstairs laughing, as Brad tried to teach Dad some new video game that he had been raving about for the last couple of weeks. As a little going away gift, I splurged on a few things for Dad and Brad, the video game being one.

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