26. High School Reunion.

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Dear Elle,
A short one from me.
If your thinking about NOT going to your High School Reunion, change your mind.
I know you probably think that there is no point, people have changed or you don't want to see certain people...but the truth is, it will be one of the best nights that you have.
Memories (both good and bad) will come flooding back and you'll be able to laugh as you reminsce but reflect on what you have learned, grown and changed.
It's an experience to see where you have come from and what you have left behind.
Aren't you a little curious to see how things have turned out? Although with the internet, I guess it's much easier to stay connected these days.
Go and enjoy the night with Lee and reconnect with the memories.
The laughs and smiles will be worth it.
Mum x

Elle POV

I could hear the laughter from downstairs as I put the finishing touches on my hair and make up. I flicked off the the bathroom light, grabbing my clutch that was on the bed headed downstairs.

When I had received the invitation weeks ago, I was hesitating to respond. It had been a long time since High School and realistically the people that we wanted to keep in touch with, we still were in touch with.

Given everything that had happened, to say my mind was elsewhere was an understatement.

Noah got lucky.

He ended up being charged with assault but the charges ended up being dropped when the evidence started getting stacked up against his old boss. Apparently there had been issues for a while, and not just with Noah. Noah had only been home a week, before the company that originally poached him in the beginning offered him a new deal. Better than what had been offered before. It took some time to negotiate the finer details - including working from home one day a week in order to allow me to go back to work and begin to take on clients again, but both Noah and his new employer were happy. I honestly couldn't believe it and neither could Noah.

I wouldn't say going back to High School was the perfect way to celebrate everything, but being with friends was. June had Nate for the night and the drinks were following freely as I walked into the kitchen.

This was our High School Reunion, so everyone would be there. Even though Noah had been in the year before me, he couldn't wait to see a few of the guys from the football team. I'm pretty sure most would be surprised that Noah and I were married with a baby and that he and Marco were now good friends. Imagine the gossip!

I smiled in thanks as I took one of Rachel's cocktails. We hadn't looked this fancy since the wedding - Marco, Noah and Lee were all in suits while Rachel, Chloe and I were in cocktail dresses. Chloe was super excited, reunions were much more of a big deal here in the States and she was eager to us in our younger years.

'Cheers', toasted Marco holding up his glass as we all stood around the island bench. 'To being the transfer kid and meeting the BEST people'

'To High School making me realise I loved my brother's best friend' Noah grinned as he wrapped an arm around me waist.

'To scoring 'The Noah Flynn' as my husband and baby daddy', I added as I clinked my glass against his.

'To marrying my high school sweetheart', Lee added as he kissed Rachel's forehead, pulling her close.

'Ditto', she added.

'To High School Reunions' Chloe concluded as we all clinked glasses.


We had always been pretty lucky. Our High School, even though a public school had always had some pretty awesome buildings. The reunion was taking place in one of the large Victorian auditoriums that they used for graduations and proms.

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