22. Is it always happy ever after?

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The big day had finally come around. Tomorrow I was marrying my high school sweetheart. The Flynn's were getting another addition – Rachel was finally going to be my wife.

I sipped my scotch as I eyed Noah from across the table. As always, tradition was tradition and he was spending the night at Mum and Dad's place with me.

Elle was my best friend and even though I wanted her as my 'Best Woman', I somehow never pictured Elle in that position. Call me crazy, but it was always Noah I saw in a tux, standing by my side. When it came to it, Elle just got it. She didn't make a fuss and to be honest I think she was slightly relieved. Nate had just started walking and...yeah, the cyclone of destruction was upon us. Tomorrow was definitely going to be an interesting one when it came down to my little buddy walking down the aisle.

'I don't think we've ever told you how proud we are of you two boys', Dad started and I rolled my eyes. I flicked a glance to Noah and smirked – the scotch talk was making an appearance. 'You had both done exceptionally well and your Mum and I are so proud to see what you have worked hard for but also the girls you have chosen to support you'.

'Okay Dad....', Noah agreed as he pulled out his phone. I took another sip of my Scotch as I watched him furiously text back a response, before shoving the phone in his pocket. He saw me watching and just shrugged. I heard his phone ping again, but this time he ignored it.


'No, no Noah. My son is getting married tomorrow. My kids have all finally flown away from the nest. Your Mum and I are now free to do what we want....', From the expression on his face, I almost threw up my dinner.

'Your Dad's right', Mum said as she waltzed in from the kitchen.

I grinned as I noticed her actions of removing the decanter from my Dad's reach. 'We couldn't be any more prouder of you boys. Lee you went after what you want and even though we weren't entirely sold on the 'games' career – you have excelled. We almost lost you when you had the accident and all we wanted is for you to be happy! Rachel is just another daughter that we get to add to our every growing family. We all thought Noah was going to end up in prison at some point, but were so relieved that you have managed to settle down and look at all that you have accomplished!',  Mum's voice dripped with emotion as I looked towards my brother.

He was grimacing as Mum carried on and on. What was going on?

I kicked him under the table and shot him a look. He shook his head as he cleared his throat.

'When you two have finished – I think we need to toast to Lee', Noah smirked as Dad pulled the scotch from Mum's hand and refilled his glass as three glasses were charged.

'To Lee and Rachel. To your lives together!'

I smiled as I took a sip, the scotch burning down my throat.

What was Noah's problem?


I couldn't sleep. I thought it was only the bride that had pre-wedding jitters but apparently it was the groom as well. After the endless toasts, we all decided it would be a good idea to turn in. Mum was convinced Dad would have the hangover from hell tomorrow – but he would just have to suffer through it. Something about your baby leaving the nest, funny how it just hit them now considering I had been living out of home for a while.

I had spoken to Rachel before going over everything for tomorrow. My tux hung on the back of the door, while everything else I needed was laid out on the dresser. My vows were in my pocket and I had already given Noah the rings.

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