Before the hypothermia sets in

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She's really not sure how she ended up here. She had been working with the sisters for months, she can't even count them anymore. It had been a flurry of demon fighting, movie nights, potion making, laughing, scrying, and bonding. Y/n helped them with one demon and kind of just stuck around.

She had watched every John Hughes movie with Paige, cooked most meals with Piper, and had countless heart to hearts with Phoebe. She had even bonded with Leo over their shared love of Stephan King books.

But Chris, Chris was the one she had somehow spent the most time with. They were rough with each other at first because their sarcastic personalities clashed, but after the initial combativeness, they spent almost every free moment together. They had been dancing around each other for almost two months, sending secret glances while doing demon research, flirty winks and comments, late night movies and dinners, and absolutely never talking about their feelings.

Now, they were trapped in a magically locked walk in freezer of all places, with the the temperature gradually dropping. Y/n flexed her hands at the door, trying to get it to budge with nothing happening.

They had orbed in following a lead, not expecting to find themselves in a walk in freezer, and definitely not expecting the door to close and lock behind them. They had shared a confused look that soon turned panicked.

"I can't orb," Chris said, his cheeks draining of color.

"What?" Y/n asked, eyes widening a bit.

"I can't orb, I'm trying," Chris said, panic starting to creep into his voice.

"Watch out," Chris moved away from the door and Y/n stood in front of it with a sigh. She threw her hands out, gulping when nothing happened.

"Where the hell did we end up?" She questioned, breathing hard.

"Umm, I think I just found out," Chris said. Y/n turned around, her mouth dropping open as Chris pulled the lid off of a relatively small chest and revealed a completely frozen body.

"No. Fucking. Way," she emphasized each word through gritted teeth. "We're being fucking harvested!" She shouted, throwing her hands up.

"It's okay, when we don't come back or answer their calls they'll come looking for us," Chris said. Y/n nods absentmindedly, turning back to the door and glaring at it. She flexed her hands again, narrowing her eyes when still nothing happened. She did it more several minutes, flicking her hands at the door and waiting for it to miraculously open... but it didn't.

"It's not going to open," Chris said gently pulling at her elbow.

"Try to orb again," she said, cloudy white wisps of air coming out of her mouth with every words. Chris wasn't shivering just yet but his skin was a lot paler than normal.

"I am trying," he said. Y/n sighed, sitting down on the floor beside him. The coldness in the walls instantly started to seep through her jacket and his tee shirt, causing chills to run up her spine. She pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around herself, breathing into her hands.

"I really, really hope they find us," y/n said, breathing out shakily.

"They will," Chris assured, though his voice lacked confidence. It felt like the temperature was falling by the second but it was probably just settling in. "They'll find us."

Minute after minute passed, the cold seeping in slowly. Y/n started to shiver before Chris did, her teeth clenched to stop them from chattering and her hands clutching at her jacket to stop them from shaking.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked, turning his body slightly towards her.

"Y-yeah, n-n-never better," she said stuttered. 

"Your lips are turning blue," he said, sliding his jacket off. He wrapped one arm around her, pulling her against his chest and laying the jacket over their torsos.

"Chris, I'm tired," she whispered, laying her head on his shoulder.

"No, no you have to stay awake for me, okay? I need you to stay awake," he pleaded, cupping her cheek and forcing her to pick her head up. Her eyes rolled a bit before she was able to focus again.

"I love you," she whispered, her eyes connected with his, watching his jade-green irises widen. "I needed to tell you before,"

"No," Chris shook his head

"Before the hypothermia sets in and I get confused and start slurring, I needed to tell you," Y/n shakes her head when Chris opens his mouth to speak, clenching her hand around his shirt. "I don't know when my feelings changed but they did. You're stupid smile turned cute and those damn eyes became all I wanted to see, and i can't leave without telling you," she whispered.

"You're not going anywhere, you hear me?" He cupped both side of her face, pressing his forehead to hers. "I love you too, God, you know I love you too. You can't leave me once we finally stop beating around the bush, you can't," Chris sniffled.

"I don't think I have a choice, Chris," she said, "I don't think either of us have a choice. It's been an hour already." They were both shivering now, their eyes closing without them realizing. Chris sighed, pulling her closer and pressing his lips to hers in a cold, shaky, perfect first kiss.

Everything went dark ten minutes later, their bodies collapsing into each other. Chris' arms stayed wrapped tight around her, his jacket failing to shield them from the cold.


When Y/n woke up it was with a gasp. She felt hands on her and voices talking hurriedly.

"Chris," she called frantically, searching the space beside her.

"I'm here," he was beside her in the next moment, his eyes shining down at her as he cupped her face.

"Oh my god," she cried out, throwing her arms around him and tackling him down to the bed. He didn't get a chance to say anything beside she was pressing their lips together, burying her hands in his hair. He kissed her back eagerly, pressing his hands against her back to hold her close.

"Okay, I think that's enough," Y/n pulled away slowly, smiling wide as she looked up at the sisters and Leo.

"Took you people long enough!" She teased, allowing Chris to sit up, still holding her close.

"Yeah we're so sorry, it took a while to get in there without getting trapped ourselves," piper said.

"I'm just glad you got there at all," Chris said.

"Of course," piper smiled softly at them, "and I'm glad you two stopped pining," she said.

"Us too," Chris said, looking at Y/n with a soft smile.

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