|9| im so glad i met you

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The hand was still there when she woke up, groaning softly as pain filled her shoulder. It wasn't as bad as before but it was still pain. She sat up slightly, still clutching that warm, reassuring hand.

"Hey, easy," Chris guided her into an upright position. Y/n opened her eyes fully, blinking away the disorientation. Chris was sitting next to her on the couch, mostly everything dark and silent. Y/n took a second to gather her bearings before looking over at Chris. His hand in hers and his eyes so concerning had her walls crumbling, tears filling her eyes.

"I should have told you," She whispered. Chris looked down for a second, sighing.

"You should have," he nodded. "We've had enough deception in this house, it's hard to regain trust once you've been caught keeping a secret," he said.

"I know," she whispered. "I never wanted to hurt you, I wanted to tell you so many times I just didn't know how. I didn't want you to look at me differently," she said, her throat tight as tears threatened to spill.

"Hey," Chris wrapped her arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "I get why you didn't say anything, okay? There's a thin line between good and evil and your genetics just have you naturally toeing that line. But i know you're good okay?" He cupped her cheek, guiding her head up so that she was looking at him. "You saved Nancy, you saved Paige, and you're such a pain in the ass that you've got me wrapped around your pretty finger," Y/n laughed softly, her cheeks filling with heat as she looked down at her lap. Chris brought her head back up with the hand on her cheeks, keeping her still as his eyes between her own and her lips.

"Who was after you?" Chris asked softly. Y/n sighed, leaning a bit further into his warmth.

"Her name was Callie. We grew up around each other. We butted heads all the time, fought as kids, you know, the usual demon children problems," Y/n shrugged lightheartedly, making Chris chuckle. She cleared her throat before continuing.

"My dad died when I was thirteen," she tightened her grip on Chris' hand and he squeezed hers in return. "Callie knew our family. She knew that he had a special dagger. It could absorb powers once it penetrated the body, whatever power that person had was just sucked out and transferred to the other person holding the dagger. She's been searching for it for years since he died, she was starving for more power. She's been after me for the past year, it's almost surreal that piper vanquished her so easily," Y/n concluded, shaking her head.

"Well lets be glad that it's over, yeah?" He said, running his hand along her hair. Y/n nodded laying her head against his shoulder.

"Yeah," she laid her hand on his chest, pressing her body against his side. "I'm really glad you were there Chris," she picked her head up again, tears in her eyes. "I'm really glad I met you," she whispered. Chris cupped her cheek, gently swiping his thumb against her cheek bone when a tear fell.

"I'm so glad I met you," he whispered, pulling her closer when a hand on the side of her face. Their lips met softly, breath baited as they shared a closed mouth, gentle first kiss. Y/n breathed out shakily once they pulled away, sliding her hand into his hair and leaning back in. Their mouths opened and they kissed more passionately, the adrenaline and the fear sinking in and spurring them on. She ended up in his lap, knees planting on the couch in either side of Chris' hips, chest pressed together, her hands on his chest and in his hair, his hands on her hips and her face.

They pulled away before it got too heated, breathing heavily as they smiled uncontrollably at each other. Chris pulled her down to the couch, stretching himself out and waiting for her to settle comfortably on top of him before covering them with a quilt. Y/n laid her head on his chest, his hand going into her hair, gently smoothing it down. He kissed her forehead and her eyes closed, relaxing into his warmth and falling into the feeling of his arms around her.

A Little Kept Secret + other stories (Chris Halliwell x reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ