Young Love

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"Mom!" Piper flinched, spilling some of the water from the pot she just filled. Chris came barreling into the kitchen seconds later, his face twisted up in that frustrated, confused way. "Why does she hate me?" He threw his hands up dramatically then dropped his upper body onto the table, burying his head in his arms. Piper raised an eyebrow at him, setting the pot onto the stove and turning the burner on.

"Who is she and why do you think she hates you?" She dared to ask.

"She is Y/n," Wyatt stated as he walked into the kitchen, going immediately to the fridge. "And she's going on a date tonight with Todd McPherson," he said.

"She's cheating on you?" Piper gasped. Chris picked his head up, his eyebrows furrowed down and his lips ticked up in a grimace.


"They not dating, mom," Wyatt chuckled.

"What?" Piper looked between her two boys, "really? I could have sworn you two have been together since you were like five," she shook her head as she started throwing spices into her water.

"That's about how long Chris has been pining for her," Wyatt teased. Chris threw his arm out towards his brother, just barely missing him.

"Shut up," Chris muttered, putting his head back down. "What does Todd have that I don't?"

"A date with Y/n," Wyatt quipped. Chris jumped up and ran for him, but Wyatt ducked out of the kitchen, laughing loudly over his shoulder. Chris whined as he leaned his elbows against the counter, looking helplessly at his mom.

"I don't know what to do, mom," he said, voice quiet.

"Here's an idea," Piper set her spices down and leaned her hands on the table. "Tell her how you feel."

"I can't," Chris hung his head.

"Why not?" Piper asked.

"Because, what if she doesn't feel the same? Then I'd feel worse than I do now, thinking Todd McPherson's hands on her," he grumbled, pressing his chin to his palm as he looked back up.

"Chris, that girl has been apart of this family since her family moved in next door when she was three," Piper leveled him a serious look. "Listen, I have absolutely had my ups and downs on the love front, okay? And I've seen quite a bit of love and hate and heartbreak, but i will tell you right now that the worst possible thing you could ever do is not take a chance. If Y/n is or isn't the one, you have a right to know. You have a responsibility to yourself to find out. So, get out," Piper walked around and gently shoved Chris out of the kitchen.

"Mom!" He argued.

"Get out and don't come back until that girl knows how you feel. Shoo!" She shoved him towards the door, opening it with her hand on the hood of his sweater. She pushed him out onto the porch and smiled wide, "Good luck sweetie." Chris opened his mouth but his mom slammed the door on him. He reached for the knob but the sound of the lock sliding into place stopped him from turning it.

"Go!" Her shout was muffled through the closed door. Chris lowered his head with a soft laugh, but when he looked up again, his eyes landing upon your house, his fondness was overcome with anxiety. He took a deep breath and hopped off of the porch, cutting across the lawn onto your property. He jumped onto the porch and stood in front of the door, staring at the solid wood.

"Ok," he whispered. "You can do this. Just, just go," he reached for the doorknob and twisted it, pushing the door open.

"A Halliwell has entered," he called out.

"Hey, Chris. Y/n is upstairs in her cave, please remind her that it's her turn to do dishes, and failure to do them will be viewed as treason and result in banishment," your mother shouted from the kitchen.

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